Prayer on the Signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty on June 28th 1919 ending World War Ⅰ (Liberal Jewish Synagogue of London, 5 July 1919)

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Date: 2023-09-12

Last Updated: 2025-03-29

Categories: 🌐 Armistice Day (November 11th)

Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., British Empire, British Jewry, English vernacular prayer, Liberal Movement for Progressive Judaism in Britain, Versailles Peace Treaty, World War Ⅰ

Excerpt: A prayer upon the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty on 28 June 1919, included in a special service by the Liberal Jewish Synagogue of London on the following Shabbat. . . .

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Lord God, our Father,
under whose rule the things on earth come to pass,
we give thee thanks for the peace
that has now been established
and for the victory
that made it possible.
Cause to cease
whatever of conflict
there may still be
among peoples,
so that all mankind shall give thee
thanks for all men’s peace.
We look with hope to the days to come
that in them a new humanity shall arise,
one devoted to righteousness,
and that a better life for nations
shall be the memorial and earthly glory
for them whose deaths have by thy will
brought us unto this day.
Let these hopes bring healing
to the bruised hearts;
and may peace speedily bind up
humanity’s wounds.
Create, O God,
a new heart
and a new spirit
within us.
Cause us
to love peace
and pursue only that which is right.
Establish thy rule among men and nations
that they shall be forever bound before thee
by a spirit of human brotherhood.

A prayer upon the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty on 28 June 1919, included in a special service by the Liberal Jewish Synagogue of London on the following Shabbat. The author of the prayer is not indicated but Rabbi Israel Mattuck led the congregation at that time and was the editor of the congregations prayerbooks published in 1923. If you know for certain, please leave a comment or contact us.


Service of thanksgiving and prayer on the signing of peace (June 28th, 1919), p 11


Contributor: Liberal Jewish Synagogue of London


Featured Image:
Service of thanksgiving and prayer on the signing of peace (June 28th, 1919), p 11 – cropped
Title: Service of thanksgiving and prayer on the signing of peace (June 28th, 1919), p 11 – cropped
Caption: Service of thanksgiving and prayer on the signing of peace (June 28th, 1919), p 11 - cropped