Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur T. Buch on 25 April 1951

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Date: 2024-04-23

Last Updated: 2025-03-27

Categories: 🇺🇸 United States of America, Opening Prayers for Legislative Bodies

Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., 82nd Congress, Cold War (1947–1953), English vernacular prayer, Prayers of Guest Chaplains, U.S. House of Representatives, United States in the Korean War, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 25 April 1951. . . .

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Arthur T. Buch, Temple Emanuel, Paterson, New Jersey
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 25 April 1951

Contribute a translation Source (English)
O Thou who dost grant salvation to kings
bless and protect the leaders of our Republic
where the graces of nobility are the simple virtues
that attend the good.
Here in the greatest capital in the history of the world—
greater than any palace or parliament—
these our leaders stand proudly, yet humbly;
proudly in the tradition of Washington and Lincoln
against any oppression or oppressor,
and humbly in Thy presence.
It is this humility before Thee, O God,
which renders this Congress
the great hope of mankind
for freedom, justice, and peace.
It is this dependence on Thee
which calls forth our prayer,
rising like the blue incense unto Thee.
In this hour of menace,
be with our Nation, and our Nation’s arms.
If in war, grant us that for which, it has been said,
there is no substitute—grant us victory;
but grant us the right kind of victory,
not a wingless or pyrrhic one,
but one that makes our national sacrifices
ensure an international peace,
with freedom and justice for all.
To this end,
in this hour of danger,
may it be Thy side that is spoken for
when the floor is taken
so that the voice of a united America
shall be heard the world round
as an echo of the voice of God.
Then, indeed, shall God bless America
and all mankind.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the fourth month of the first session of the 82nd US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 97, part 3 (25 April 1951), page 4356.



Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


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Title: Flag_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives.svg
Caption: Flag of the United States House of Representatives