The text of parashat Vayaqhel, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, Betsalel, mythopoesis, Oholiav, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שבת shabbat, פרשת ויקהל parashat Vayaqhel, supplementary hypothesis, המשכן the Mishkan
A Torah reading of Parashat Vayaqhel in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Piqudei, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, Betsalel, mythopoesis, Oholiav, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, rosh ḥodesh, פרשת פיקודי parashat Piqudei, supplementary hypothesis, המשכן the Mishkan
A Torah reading of Parashat Ph’qudei in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Vayiqra, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, אשי ישראל ishei yisrael, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, המזבח the Mizbe'aḥ, ויקרא Vayiqra
A Torah reading of Parashat Vayiqra in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Tsav, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, investiture, אשי ישראל ishei yisrael, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת צו parashat Tsav, supplementary hypothesis, המזבח the Mizbe'aḥ
A Torah reading of Parashat Tsav in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Shemini, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, command-compliance pattern, אשי ישראל ishei yisrael, כבוד kavod, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שמיני Sh'mini, supplementary hypothesis, המזבח the Mizbe'aḥ
A Torah reading of Parashat Sh’mini in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Tazria, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, מצרע Metsora, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, ritual purity, פרשת תזריע parashat Tazria, supplementary hypothesis, tsaraat
A Torah reading of Parashat Tazria in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Metsora, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, מצרע Metsora, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, ritual purity, פרשת תזריע parashat Tazria, supplementary hypothesis, tsaraat
A Torah reading of Parashat Metsora in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Aḥarei Mōt, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., אחרי מות Aḥarei Mōt, annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, atonement, Azael, Azazel, עינוי Innui (self-affliction), Molekh, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, redaction criticism, sexual predation, supplementary hypothesis, Yom Kippur
A Torah reading of Parashat Aḥarei Mōt in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Qedoshim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., אחרי מות Aḥarei Mōt, annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, atonement, Molekh, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, קדשים Qedoshim, redaction criticism, sexual predation, supplementary hypothesis
A Torah reading of Parashat Qedoshim in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Emor, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, atonement, corporal punishment, אמֹר Emor, Kohanim, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, tsaraat
A Torah reading of Parashat Emor in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat b’Har, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael, Har Sinai, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת בהר parashat Behar, שמיטה shmitah, slavery, supplementary hypothesis, יובל Yovel Jubilee
A Torah reading of Parashat b’Har in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat b’Ḥuqotai, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, בחקתי b’Ḥuqotai, ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael, Har Sinai, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, rosh hashanah l'behemah, פרשת בהר parashat Behar, שמיטה shmitah, slavery, supplementary hypothesis, יובל Yovel Jubilee
A Torah reading of Parashat b’Ḥuqotai in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat b’Midbar, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, במדבר Bamidbar, breaking down, census, Midbar Sinai, moving out, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, shlepping, supplementary hypothesis, tribes
A Torah reading of Parashat Bamidbar in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Naso, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, במדבר Bamidbar, breaking down, census, Midbar Sinai, moving out, mythopoesis, נזיר Nazir, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת נשא parashat Naso, shlepping, supplementary hypothesis, tribes
A Torah reading of Parashat Naso in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat b’Ha’alotekha, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 35th century A.M., 8th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, Midbar Paran, Midbar Sinai, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת בהעלתך b'Ha'alotekha, supplementary hypothesis
A Torah reading of Parashat b’Ha’alotekha in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Shlaḥ, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 35th century A.M., 8th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, fake news, Midbar Paran, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, reconnaissance, redaction criticism, פרשת שלח parashat Shlaḥ, supplementary hypothesis
A Torah reading of Parashat Shlaḥ in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Qoraḥ, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 35th century A.M., 8th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, authority vs. integrity, Maw of the Earth, Midbar Paran, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, קרח Qoraḥ, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis
A Torah reading of Parashat Qoraḥ in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Ḥuqat, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 35th century A.M., 8th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, authority vs. integrity, fast-forward, חקת Ḥuqat, midbar quest, Midbar Tsyn, Miriam's well, missing years, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, safe passage, supplementary hypothesis, thirty-eight years later
A Torah reading of Parashat Ḥuqat in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Balaq, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 35th century A.M., 8th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, בלק Balaq, Midbar Paran, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, safe passage, supplementary hypothesis, xenophobia
A Torah reading of Parashat Balaq in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Pinḥas, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, the daughters of Tselofḥad, Midian, mythopoesis, Naming names, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, פינחס Pinḥas, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
A Torah reading of Parashat Pinḥas in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Matot, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, מטות Matot, Midian, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
A Torah reading of Parashat Matot in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Masei, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, the daughters of Tselofḥad, מסעי Masei, מטות Matot, midbar quest, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis
A Torah reading of Parashat Mas’ei in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Devarim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, דברים Devarim, let's review, midbar quest, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
A Torah reading of Parashat Devarim in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat va’Etḥanan, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, Decalogue, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שבת נחמו Shabbat Naḥamu, שמע shemaŋ, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, theophany, ואתחנן va'Etḥanan
A Torah reading of Parashat va’Etḥanan in English translation, transtropilized. . . .
The text of parashat Éqev, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, egel hazahav, עקב Éqev, golden calf, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שמע shemaŋ, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, theophany
A Torah reading of Parashat Éqev in English translation, transtropilized. . . .