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Meaning What We Pray, Praying What We Mean: The Otherness of the Liturgy, by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1989)

Pledge of Allegiance to the Family of Earth, by Bella Abzug & Mim Kelber (Women’s Foreign Policy Council, 1989)

The Global Pledge of Allegiance, by Edna A. Maisner-Reitz (1988)

אל מלא רחמים לזכר הנרצחים | El Malé Raḥamim Prayer for the Victims of Terrorism in the Land of Israel

“Just Walk Beside Me” (לֵךְ פָּשׁוּט לְצִדִּי | امشي بجانبي | נאָר גיין לעבן מיר), lines from an unknown author circulating in 1970; Jewish adaptation with translations in Aramaic, Hebrew, Yiddish, and Arabic

The “Dona Nobis Pacem” blues from Leonard Bernstein’s MASS (1971), original Hebrew translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

National Brotherhood Week, by Tom Lehrer (1965)

Remarks on Yom Kippur, an essay by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (August 1965)

ברכות־הנפטרין על פי האמונה הבוקוניסטית | the Last Rites of Bokonon, by Kurt Vonnegut (1963, Hebrew translation by Amatsyah Porat 1978)

Closing Ceremony for Flag Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)

Opening Prayer on the Significance of Flag Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)

📖 Union Home Prayer Book (CCAR 1951)

The Many and the Few | רַבִּים בְּיַד מְעַטִּים (Rabim b’Yad M’atim) — a Hebrew adaptation of Woody Guthrie’s Ḥanukkah ballad by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

שְׁפוֹךְ אֲהָבָתֵךְ | Shfokh Ahavatekh (Pour Out Your Love), by Rabbi Ḥayyim Bloch (1948)

אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim for Victims of the Shoah (the Netherlands, ca. late 1940s)

Special Prayer for Our Soldiers and Sailors, edited by Rabbi Aaron Dym (1943)

📖 As Noites de Hanukah ou Da Festa dos Macabeus, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1943)

📖 Birkath ha-Mazon, a birkon compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1941)

שִׁיר הַגְאוּלָה (החיינו אל) | Shir ha-Ge’ulah (Song of Redemption), by an anonymous author (1940)

📖 Hallel, a prayer-pamphlet compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1940)

📖 Oração Antes de Deitar (Prayers before Bedtime), a prayer-pamphlet compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1940)

📖 Orações para a Vespera de Shabbath, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1940)

Prayer for the Success of the Conference on Palestine Convened by His Majesty’s Government (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 19 February 1939)

📖 Oração Matinal de Shabbath, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1939)

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Oração Pelos Governantes, translated by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1939)

מי שברך לשבויים | Mi sheBerakh for the Captives, after Kristallnacht (Hamburg, November 1938)

📖 Liberal Jewish Prayer Book vol. Ⅰ: Services for Weekdays, Sabbaths, etc. (Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London 1937)

מזמור לתודה לכבוד משה איש האלהים | A Thanksgiving in Commemoration of Moses Maimonides, an octocentennial prayer by Ḥakham Shem Tov Gaguine (Bevis Marks Synagogue, 27 May 1935)

📖 סדר תפלת ישורון (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Seder Tefilat Yeshurun, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated by Menaḥem-Gershon Glenn (1935)

ספר רפואת הנפש, פרק ב׳ — תפלה | Sefer Refuat haNefesh — chapter 2: Prayer, by Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein (Society of Jewish Science 1934)

[Prayer] on Education Week, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (24 April 1933)

[Prayer] on Abandoning the Gold Standard, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (21 April 1933)

[Prayer] on the Disaster of the USS Akron, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (5 April 1933)

[Prayer] on the Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (4 March 1933)

[Prayer on] the German Crisis, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 April 1933)

[Prayer] on the Eve of Inauguration, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 March 1933)

[Prayer] on the Los Angeles Earthquake, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (12 March 1933)

[Prayer] on the Legalization of Beer, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (22 February 1933)

📖 A Noite de Rosh ha-Shanah, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1930)

📖 (רפורמי) Prayer Book of the St. George’s Settlement Synagogue, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1929)

📖 Nehilah ou Encerramento de Kipur, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1929)

📖 A Noite de Kipur, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1929)

📖 Hagadah shel Pessah, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1928)

📖 Dôr e Fé (Grief and Faith), a prayer-pamphlet for mourners compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1928)

“Teach me to be real!” a prayer for integrity by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)

Morning Prayer (for Very Young Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)

[Prayer] Before Sleeping (for Very Young Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)

Night Prayer (for Older Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)

Morning Prayer (for Older Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)

“Thy will be done” a prayer for self-resignation by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)