Akiva Sanders (translation)
Akiva Sanders is a Neubauer Graduate Fellow specializing in Mesopotamian Art and Archaeology. He is interested in mobility during the rise and fall of one of the world’s first urban networks in northern Mesopotamia. Specifically, his research is concerned with mutually transformative interactions on the edges of this network with highland societies of the Kura Araxes Cultural Tradition. Previously, Akiva has worked on genetic diversity in present-day highland Georgia and other regions, and he has published an article on the application of a new methodology for analyzing the sex of ceramic producers to episodes of state-formation at Tell Leilan, Syria. Akiva has excavated in Israel, Jordan, Turkey, and Georgia.
Birkonim (בענטשערס Bentshers) | Rosh haShanah la-Melakhim | Motsei Shabbat | Se'udah haShlishit | Se'udat Leil Shabbat | Se'udat Yom Shabbat | Shavuot | Shemini Atseret (and Simḥat Torah)
אין אדיר Ayn Adir | acrostic | Acrostic signature | Alphabetic Acrostic | Angelic Protection | בענטשן bentshn | הקפה ד׳ fourth haḳafah | המבדיל בין קדש לחל Hamavdil Bein Ḳodesh l'Ḥol | הבדלות havdalot | Judeo-Arabic | Needing Decompilation | Needing Source Images | פיוטים piyyutim | פזמונים pizmonim | shimon ben yoḥai | via negativa | wedding bentshers | wedding blessings | זמירות zemirot | 11th century C.E. | 16th century C.E. | 17th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 49th century A.M. | 54th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
בַּר־יוֹחַאי | Bar Yoḥai, a pizmon by Shimon ibn Lavi (ca. 16th c.)
Contributed on: 17 Jun 2021 by Akiva Sanders (translation) | Shimon ibn Lavi | ❧
A pizmon and table song sung on Shabbat and on Lag ba-Omer with English translation. . . .