This is an archive of prayers written for יום העגונה (Yom ha-Agunah), Agunah Day, advocating for Agunot, Jewish women trapped and often extorted by husbands refusing to grant them a get, a bill of divorce in accord with halakhah, rabbinic Jewish law. The day coincides with Taanit Esther (the Fast of Queen Esther) on the 13th of Adar. International Agunah Day was established by the International Coalition for Agunah Rights in 1990. Click here to contribute a prayer you have written for Agunah Day. Filter resources by Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category
Isles Of The Forsaken (ink drawing, 2002) is intended to address the tragic situation of many Jewish women, who, abused, abandoned and wishing a divorce, are refused a get (bill of divorcement) by their husbands who may use their wives’ need for this document as a threat for ransom in obtaining custody of their children. . . .
“Mi she-Berakh Prayer for Agunot and Women who are Denied a Writ of Divorce (mesorvot get)” was written by Dr. Yael Levine in the summer of 2006 and first published in the journal De’ot in advance of Purim 2007. The Hebrew version of the prayer was subsequently reprinted in the monumental Sefer ha-Shabbat, edited by Yonadav Kaploun and issued by Yediot Aharonot in 2011 (p. 260). The English translation was first published in The Jerusalem Post 16 March 2016 (Comment & Features), p. 13. The Hebrew annotation of the sources appeared already in the initial article in De’ot, and was subsequently published, inter alia, in an article published on on 13 March 2019. . . .
This prayer, following the structure of the Mi Sheberakh supplications during the Torah service, is meant to call get refusers to account, by name, and make a statement that their behavior is evil and will not be tolerated. . . .
A prayer for women caught up in the torment of ‘get’ refusal from a husband who refuses to grant them the document required for a religious divorce. . . .