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🌐 Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st)

🌐 Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st)

This is an archive of prayers composed for, or relevant to, the International Transgender Day of Visibility, a civic awareness day occurring on March 31st. Founded in 2009, the day is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and their contributions to society, as well as seeking the end of the discrimination they face worldwide.

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תפילה להפך – מאבן בֹחן | Prayer for Transformation, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)

Transition Ritual Poems, by Joy Ladin

אשר יצר | Asher Yatsar prayer for recognizing the Divine Image in all our bodies, by Rabbi Emily Aviva Kapor

מִי שֶׁבֵּרָךְ לִמְקַבְּלֵי שֵׁם אֱמֶת אַחַר אִשּׁוּר מְגַדְּרִי | Mi sheBerakh for those receiving a true name after gender confirmation, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Ceremony of Gender Affirmation and Name Change, by Lilah Rosenfield

Prayer for One who Transitions, by Eitan Meshullam Chai

Prayer for the International Transgender Day of Visibility (Gebet für den Internationalen Transgendertag der Sichtbarkeit), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

תפילה לשינוי השם והסימון המגדרי | Gebet für die Änderung des Vornamens und Geschlechtseintrags | Prayer for the Change of Name and Gender Marker, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

🆕 תפילה על הסרת שער תחתוני כהכנה לניתוח שינוי מין | A Prayer upon Hair Removal for Vaginoplasty, by the Em haBanim

🆕 כוונה לפני הטבילה | Intention for Immersion [before Vaginoplasty], by the Em haBanim

🆕 תפלה לליל ערב הניתוח | Prayer for the Night Before Vaginoplasty Surgery, by the Em haBanim