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Imminent Communal Danger & Distress
📁 Imminent Communal Danger & Distress

This is an archive of prayers composed in response to, or anxious anticipation of, imminent communal danger and distress.

Click here to contribute a prayer you have written, or a transcription and translation of a historical prayer.

Looking for something else?

For prayers offered in the event of a pogrom or other genocidal atrocity, go here.

For prayers offered in the event of hateful intolerance, prejudice, and bigotry, go here.

For prayers offered in the event of attack intended to invoke communal terror, go here.

For prayers offered in response to conflicts over sovereignty and dispossession, go here.

For prayers composed for social justice, peace, and liberty, go here.

תפלה לכל תענית צבור ועל כל צרה (שלא תבא על הציבור!) | Amidah for Any Communal Fast and On Account of Troubles (Nusaḥ Italki)

Dans un temps de calamité publique | [Prayer] in a time of public calamity, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)

תפילה לשלום באירופה | Prayer for Peace in Europe during the Italian War of Independence (ca. 19th c.)

ליקוטי תפילות ב:נג | Prayer of Peace from War, for Rainfall, and for Excellence in Torah Study (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅱ:53), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)

אֱלֹהִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל | Elohim b’Yisrael :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, recorded in Sefer haPeliah

תהלים ע״ט | Psalms 79, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer