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This is an archive of prayers composed in response to, or in anxious anticipation of, war.

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Nathan Marcus Adler | Anonymous Author(s) | Trisha Arlin | Lior Bar-Ami | Aryeh Baruch | Philip S. Bernstein | Morrison David Bial | Jacob Bosniak | Howard Allen Bridgman | Israel Brodie | Bradley Burston | Yuval Cherlow | Aryeh Cohen | Menachem Creditor | David de Aaron de Sola | David de Sola Pool | David Einhorn | Harry Emerson Fosdick | Solomon B. Freehof | Avi Garelick | Seth Goldstein | Alexander David Goode | Shlomo Goren | Halachic Left | Melila Hellner-Eshed | Joseph Herman Hertz | Ze'ev Kainan | Zac Kamenetz (translation) | Mordecai Kaplan | Chaya Kaplan-Lester | Abe Katz (translation) | Justin Kerber (translation) | Reuven Kimelman | Arnold Kiss | Max D. Klein | Miriam Klimova | Knesset haRabanim b'Yisrael | Eugene Kohn | Morris Samuel Lazaron | Shira Levine | Yael Levine | Annie Lewis | Edgar Magnin | Ehud Manor | Marc Margolius (translation) | the Masorti Movement in Israel | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | Noa Mazor | Solomon H. Metz | Maximilian Joseph Michelbacher | Ephraim Mirvis | Sabato Morais | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Gil Nativ | Neohasid·org | Rabbi Lior Nevo (translation) | Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UHC of the UK & the Commonwealth | Avital Raff | Mira Regev | Victor Reinstein | Arnold E. Resnicoff | Efrat Rotem (translation) | Simchah Roth | Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, Ph.D. | Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit-Halachmi | Elli Sacks | David Seidenberg | Joshua Seigel | Gershom Mendes Seixas | Dovi Seldowitz | Adin Steinsaltz | Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv | the Congressional Record of the United States of America | Tsva ha-Haganah l'Yisrael | Unknown Author(s) | Unknown Translator(s) | Aharon N. Varady (translation) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Andy Vogel | Levi Weiman-Kelman (translation) | John Paul Williams | David J. Wolpe | Netanel Zellis-Paley | Shoshana Michael Zucker (translation)
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Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Crimean War, by the the Synagogues of the United Congregations of the British Empire (26 April 1854)

Prayer of the Confederate States Soldiers, by Rabbi Max Michelbacher (ca. 1861)

Prayer for the United States on a Civic Fast Day to avert Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (26 September 1861)

Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day on the First Day of Ḥanukkah during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (28 November 1861)

Prayer for the United States and President Abraham Lincoln, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (15 April 1862)

Prayer on the Confederate Day of Fasting and Prayer, by Rabbi Max Michelbacher (27 March 1863)

Prayer for the United States on a Civic Fast Day during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (30 April 1863)

Prayer for the Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania after the Battle of Gettysburg by Rabbi Sabato Morais (4 July 1863)

Prayer for the United States of America on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi David Einhorn (26 November 1863)

Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (24 November 1864)

Prayer after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by Rabbi Sabato Morais (18 April 1865)

Prayer for the United States after the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (8 December 1865)

Prayer for Sailors and Soldiers on Active Service, by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1914)

Prayer for Our Country, a lament on the necessity of war by Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick (1917)

For Those At Home, a prayer for the home front during war by Rev. Howard A. Bridgman adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)

May Wars Cease, a hymn by Rabbi Max Klein (1926)

Prayer [of Military Personnel] for Home (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Prayer [for Military Personnel] in Temptation (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Memorial Prayer for Those Lost Through Human Strife, by Rabbi Chaplain (Lieutenant) Alexander David Goode (ca. 1943)

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Solomon H. Metz on 5 June 1944

War Can Be Abolished, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)

Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. Philip S. Bernstein (1951)

Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. Edgar Magnin (1951)

Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. David de Sola Pool (1951)

[Prayer] for Peace Among the Nations, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)

Prayer at the Dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 13 November 1982

Prayer for Peace in a Time of War, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2003)

A Prayer for Compassion During Violent Conflict, by Trisha Arlin (2014)

Yet Again: A Prayer for Israel and Gaza, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2014)

Prayer at the National Commemoration of the 34th Anniversary of the Beirut Barracks Bombing, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff 23 October 2017

A Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2022)

Prayer for the People of Ukraine, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 2022)

A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and Beyond, by Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (2022)

Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Kimelman (2022)

A Prayer for Ukraine, by Chaya Kaplan Lester (2022)

A Prayer for Ukraine, by the Sinai Temple Clergy (24 February 2022)

Prayer [in the call for war against HAMA”S] by Rabbi David Wolpe (8 October 2023)

A Prayer from a Traumatized Jewish Heart, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (10 October 2023)

Prayer for Israel at Temple Micah’s Lunch & Learn, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (11 October 2023)

An Urgent Prayer for the Protection of Human Life, by Rabbi Andy Vogel and Rabbi Seth Goldstein

מוריד הטל | Morid Hatal — to the One who settles the dew, post-October 7 — by Rabbi David Mevorach Seidenberg (neohasid·org 2024)

Prayer for Release of the Hostages, Surcease from the Bombs — by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2024)

Prayer for Ukraine (Gebet für Ukraine), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami