This is an archive of prayers for using during the Torah Reading service, after the Torah and Haftarah are read but before the scrolls are returned to the ark. This section contains many “Mi sheberakh” prayers offered on behalf of entities and concerns beyond the immediate reach of the praying congregation. Click here to contribute a prayer you have written, translated, or transcribed for this portion of the Torah Reading Service. Filter resources by Collaborator Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category Filter resources by Language Filter resources by Date Range
A prayer for the government composed by the Central Conference of American Rabbis and included in their Union Prayer Book. . . .
A prayer on behalf of one’s congregation and the worldwide community of Israelites. . . .
These are a series of kavvanot prepared by Rabbi Emanuel S. Goldsmith (1935-2024), z”l, for a Shaḥarit service containing the call to prayer (Barkhu), the blessings preceding the Shema, tthe conclusion of the Amidah, before and after the Torah reading service, and Aleinu. Rabbi Ben Newman, who shared these kavvanot in eulogy for Rabbi Goldsmith in a Facebook post, writes, “My dear teacher, friend, and mentor Rabbi Dr. Emanuel Goldsmith died on Friday. He was an amazing man who taught me a lot about how to be a rabbi, a Reconstructionist, a liturgist, philosopher of religion, and Yiddishist. He also was the “head rabbi” who officiated at my wedding to Rabbi Shoshana Leis….I had him write out for me [these kavvanot] when I substituted for him leading at Congregation Mvakshe Derekh in Scarsdale, NY, 20 years ago as a student rabbi.” . . .
A prayer for collective and communal well-being with an emphasis on dismantling systems of oppression and repairing their harms. . . .
“An important message, November 2023” is a shipping notice from God and a meditation on parochial empathy. . . .