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German vernacular prayer —⟶ tag: German vernacular prayer Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? A hymnal compiled by one of the Reform rabbis who first prepared the Union Prayerbook. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry O Day of God, an English translation of Leopold Stein’s paraliturgical Kol Nidrei “O Tag des Herrn!” by Frederick Lucian Hosmer (1904)“O Tag des Herrn!” is a paraliturgical Kol Nidrei by Leopold Stein. Here it is translated from German to English by the Unitarian minister Frederick Lucian Hosmer on behalf of the Reform rabbi Isaac S. Moses. Hosmer’s translation appears in Hymns and Anthems for Jewish Worship (ed. Isaac S. Moses, 1904), hymn №107 pp. 69-71. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur 📖 Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen, by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald (1907)An anthology of prayers (teḥinot) for Jewish women written in vernacular German by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald and thirty-one other authors including women. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers “Beruria” by Lisa Tarlau is an eponymous ode provided as the preface to Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages v-viii. . . . “Schlußgebet” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 23. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema “Abendlied” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 29. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema “Nachtgebet eines Kindes” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 30. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema This paraliturgical translation of “Haschkiwenu” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 78. . . . “Tal” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 315-317. . . . “Geschem” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 363-365. . . . “Olenu” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 80-81. . . . Categories: Aleinu “Der Schmerz” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 523-525. . . . Categories: Mourning “Gebet eines Waisenkindes” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 530. . . . Categories: Mourning Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter | Prayer of a mother on the wedding day of her daughter, by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 441-444. . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings “Zum Offenbarungsfeste” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 340-341. . . . Categories: Shavuot Gebet eines jungen Mädchens am Neujahrsfeste | Prayer of a young girl on Rosh haShanah, by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Gebet eines jungen Mädchens am Neujahrsfeste” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 126-128. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit) Gebet während des Priestersegens (Ribbaunau schel aulom) | Prayer during the priestly blessing, by Lise Tarlau (1907)This paraliturgical prayer-poem, “Gebet während des Priestersegens (Ribbaunau schel aulom)” by Lise Tarlau, can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 318-319. . . . Categories: Birkat Kohanim This untitled prayer by Lise Tarlau for concluding the vidui prayers on Yom Kippur (“Sündenbekenntnis. (Widduj.)”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 217-218. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur Engelsgruß (Scholaum alechem) | Angels Greeting (Shalom Aleikhem), a paraliturgical adaptation by Lise Tarlau (1907)This paraliturgical adaptation of the piyyut Shalom Aleikhem by Lise Tarlau (“Engelsgruß. (Scholaum alechem.)”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 85. . . . Categories: Se'udat Leil Shabbat This paraliturgical reflection of the prayer “Magen Avot” by Lise Tarlau (“Mogen owaus”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 79. . . . Categories: Arvit l'Shabbat This paraliturgical reflection of the piyyut “Lekha Dodi” by Lise Tarlau (“Lecho daudi”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 74-76. . . . Categories: Ḳabbalat Shabbat “Am Tage der Beschneidung” by Anna Lachmann can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 404-405. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat “Am Grabe der Eltern” by Anna Lachmann can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 538-540. . . . Categories: Mourning “Am Grabe der Mutter” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 540-541. . . . “Am Grabe des Gatten” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 544-545. . . . Categories: Mourning Am Grabe eines jungen Bruders | At the grave of one’s younger brother, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Am Grabe eines jungen Bruders” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 546-547. . . . Categories: Mourning Am Grabe einer jungen Schwester | At the grave of one’s younger sister, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Am Grabe einer jungen Schwester” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 547-549. . . . Categories: Mourning A small prayerbook for German-Jewish men serving as military personnel on behalf of the German Empire (Second Reich) during what later became known as World War Ⅰ. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., German Empire, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, military, Second Reich, Teḥinot in German, World War Ⅰ Contributor(s): Leo Baeck, Wilhelm Münz and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) A collection of five teḥinot compiled for the use of German-Jewish women gravely concerned for the well-being of their husbands, fathers, and sons serving as military personnel during what became known as World War Ⅰ. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Prayer for all Jewish Communities in Germany for the Eve of the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck (10 October 1935)This is the prayer which Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck had disseminated to Jewish communities throughout Germany to recite on Yom Kippur, 10 October 1935. The German text here is as found in the archival notes of Helmut Grünewald, Ein Judenjunge durfte kein Deutscher sein (Bristol, 1998), pp. 20-21 in the collection of the Leo Baeck Institute. The English translation is as published by Dr. Michael Meyer in Rabbi Leo Baeck: Living a Religious Imperative in Troubled Times (2020), pp. 106-107. . . . Categories: 🌐 Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th), Kristallnacht (9-10 November, 16 Marḥeshvan), 🇮🇱 Yom haShoah (27 Nisan), Yom Kippur This is the Kol Nidrei as offered by the Hannover Synagogue on Yom Kippur in 1937 according to the text provided in a poster, “Agende für Kol-nidre und Seelenfeier in der Synaogen-Gemeinde Hannover” (10 September 1937). Thank you to David Selis for providing digital images of the poster. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur This is Rabbi Dr. Leo Beack’s prayer for his wife Natalie Baeck née Hamburger (1878-1937), dated 7 March 1937. Natalie had died two days prior on 5 March. . . . Categories: Mourning Gebet für die Geflüchteten, die an der EU-Außengrenze ums Leben kamen | Prayer for the refugees who lost their lives at the EU’s external border, by Rabbi Lior Bar-AmiThis prayer for refugees tragically killed en route to Europe was offered by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami sometime before May 2024. . . . Categories: Travel | ||
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