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קדיש דרבנן (נוסח ארץ ישראל) | Ḳaddish d’Rabanan variant from the Cairo Geniza (nusaḥ Erets Yisrael, ca. 11th c.)

אַעֲדִיף כׇּל־שְׁמוֹנָה | A’adif Kol Shmona — Qerovot and Qedushtah for Ḥanukkah, by El’azar biRabbi Qallir

אֲמַר קִירִיס לְמֹשֶׁה | Amar Kiris l-Mosheh, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 40, ca. 7th c.)

אֲזַלַת בְּכִיתָא | Azalat Bekhita, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 41, ca. 7th c.)

אֲזַלַת יוֹכֶֽבֶד | Azalat Yokheved, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 42a, ca. 7th c.)

Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Tractate Soferim

📄 סדר עתיק לקריאות מהתנ״ך לפי מסכת סופרים | A Service for Scriptural Readings from Antiquity, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

קידוש לראש חודש, לפי מסכת סופרים | A Sanctification of the New Month, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

להבין את התפלה | Rav Amram Gaon’s letter to Rav Yitzḥok b. Shimon of Sepharad, circa 9th century

📄 הגדה של פסח | Pesaḥ Haggadah (Nusaḥ Erets Yisrael), based on multiple Cairo Geniza manuscripts compiled and translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

קרובות לראש שנה לאילנות | Ḳerovot for Tu biShvat, by Yehudah ben R’ Hillel haLevi (ca. 11th c.)

ברכה לפני קריאת תהלים | Blessing before the Recitation of Psalms (nusaḥ Erets Yisrael)

📖 סדר אל־תוחיד | Seder al-Tawḥid for Rosh Ḥodesh Nissan

📖 סדור העבודה שבלב | Siddur ha’Avodah she’Balev, for Shabbat and Yom Tov (Kehillat Kol Haneshama Jerusalem, 2007)

Siddur Class: Sourcesheets from Amit Gvaryahu’s Shiur on Tefillah

📖 נוסח ארץ ישראל | Nusaḥ Ereṣ Yisrael :: Tefillat Minḥah, Birkat HaMazon, and Tefillat HaDerekh, by Uri DeYoung (2015)

פַּרְשְׁיָתָא דְּפִתְחָא לְמִנְחָה | Passages for Opening Minḥah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer