תהלים ס״ז | Psalms 67 (interpretive translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l)

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Date: 2017-08-09

Last Updated: 2020-02-07

Categories: Tehilim Book 2 (Psalms 42–72)

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., Binginot, devotional interpretation, English Translation, interpretive translation, Psalms 67, למנציח Lamnatse'aḥ, מזמור Mizmor, שיר Shir, תהלים Psalms

Excerpt: This English translation of Psalms 30 by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z"l, was first published in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). Versification by Aharon Varady. . . .

A Psalm for all the peoples of the planet
Source (Hebrew) Translation (English)
א לַמְנַצֵּ֥ח בִּנְגִינֹ֗ת מִזְמ֥וֹר שִֽׁיר׃
ב אֱלֹהִ֗ים יְחָנֵּ֥נוּ וִֽיבָרְכֵ֑נוּ
יָ֤אֵ֥ר פָּנָ֖יו אִתָּ֣נוּ סֶֽלָה׃
2 God, bless us with grace!
Let Your loving Face shine on us!
ג לָדַ֣עַת
בָּאָ֣רֶץ דַּרְכֶּ֑ךָ
3 We want to get to know Your way
Here on Earth,
Seeing how Your help is given
To every group of people.
ד יוֹד֖וּךָ
עַמִּ֥ים ׀ אֱלֹהִ֑ים
עַמִּ֥ים כֻּלָּֽם׃
4 Oh, how the various peoples
Will thank You,
All of them will sing
And be grateful.
ה יִֽשְׂמְח֥וּ
וִֽירַנְּנ֗וּ לְאֻ֫מִּ֥ים
עַמִּ֣ים מִישׁ֑וֹר
וּלְאֻמִּ֓ים ׀ בָּאָ֖רֶץ
5 Many people will be joyous
And sing
When You, Will set them right
With forthrightness.
And the peoples,
As You direct them,
Will cheer You.
ו יוֹד֖וּךָ עַמִּ֥ים ׀
י֝וֹד֗וּךָ עַמִּ֥ים כֻּלָּֽם׃
6 Oh, how the various peoples
Will thank You.
All of them will sing, be grateful.
ז אֶ֭רֶץ נָתְנָ֣ה יְבוּלָ֑הּ
יְ֝בָרְכֵ֗נוּ אֱלֹהִ֥ים
7 The Earth will give her harvest.
Such blessings come from God.
Yes, from our God!
ח יְבָרְכֵ֥נוּ אֱלֹהִ֑ים
וְיִֽירְא֥וּ אֹ֝ת֗וֹ
8 Bless us God,
All the ends of the Earth
Will esteem You!

This English translation of Psalms 67 by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l, was first published in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). Versification by Aharon Varady.

Contributor: Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


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