Prayer During a Storm at Sea, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)

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Date: 2020-06-19

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: Travel

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, ocean, prayers on ships, travel by water, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: A prayer for when traveling conditions become perilous on an ocean voyage. . . .

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Prayer during a Storm at Sea

May our prayer be acceptable in Thy presence, O Lord, our God and God of our forefathers! and for the sake of Thine attribute of mercy, cause the waters to cease from their raging, and still the waves of Thy great deep. Conduct us speedily to our destined port, for the issues of life and death are in Thy hands. Hearken unto our supplication, even at this present hour when we are praying unto Thee. Calm the storm, and conduct us with kind and gentle breezes. Guard us from the tumultuous billows, and from all the perils of the sea; guard us from the lightning and the tempest, and the confusion of darkness; guard us from dangers by water and fire, and from every obstruction, injury or fear.

From the treasury of the elements, O God, send forth a favorable wind. May all who have charge of the vessel be faithful and vigilant, active and skillful in directing or obeying, that so we may speedily and safely be brought to our destined port. Thou who madest the sea canst still the waves thereof; Thou who didst create the winds, canst allay their rage. O Lord! guard our souls which depend upon Thee, and deliver us from evil. As we put our trust in Thee, let us never be confounded. And as for us all, we will bless Thy name, O God! from henceforth and for evermore. Amen.

“Prayer During a Storm at Sea” is one of thirty prayers appearing in Rabbi Moritz Mayer’s collection of tehinot, Hours of Devotion (1866), of uncertain provenance and which he may have written. –Aharon Varady





Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


Featured Image:
during a storm at sea (Moritz Mayer 1864)
Title: during a storm at sea (Moritz Mayer 1864)
Caption: Detail of Moritz Mayer's prayer during a storm at sea.