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open_content_license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International copyleft licenseDate: 2020-06-28
Last Updated: 2025-02-28
Categories: Learning, Study, and School
Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., children's education, children's prayers, French Jewry, French vernacular prayer, school, תחינות teḥinot
Excerpt: A prayer for children after school. . . .
Source (French) | Translation (English) |
Prière après l’instruction.
Prayer after school.
Seigneur, nous te rendons grâces pour toutes les connaissances que nous avons acquises aujourd’hui par l’entremise de nos maîtres.
Lord, we give you thanks for all the knowledge we have acquired today through our teachers.
Nous te remercions de ce que tu nous as donné des guides charitables qui nous instruisent dans la foi, nous forment aux sciences et nous mettent en état de subvenir un jour aux besoins de la vie. Fais, ô Seigneur, qne nous n’oubliions jamais la reconnaissance que nous leur devons, et que leurs sages leçons nous rendent dociles à tes saints commandements. Amen.
We thank You that You have given us charitable guides who instruct us in the faith, train us in the sciences, and enable us one day to provide for the needs of life. May we never forget the gratitude we owe them, O Lord, and may their wise lessons make us obedient to Your holy commandments. Amen.
Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (translation)
Featured Image:
Title: Prière après l’instruction (Jonas Ennery and Arnaud Aron 1852) featured image
Caption: Prière après l’instruction (Jonas Ennery and Arnaud Aron 1852)