📖 Orações para a Vespera de Shabbath, compiled by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1940)

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=51463

open_content_license: Creative Commons Zero (CC 0) Universal license a Public Domain dedication

Date: 2023-06-06

Last Updated: 2023-07-13

Categories: Shabbat Siddurim

Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Porto, Portuguese Jewry, Portuguese translation

Excerpt: A Friday night Sabbath evening prayer guide by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto under the auspices of the Insituto Teológico Israelita (Yeshiba Rosh-Pinah) in 1940. . . .


A Friday night Sabbath evening prayer guide by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto under the auspices of the Insituto Teológico Israelita (Yeshiba Rosh-Pinah) in 1940.


This work has less than twenty years before the term of its copyright expires, during which we claim our Reproduction Right (17 U.S. Code §108 – Limitations on exclusive rights: Reproduction by libraries and archives), under United States Copyright law.

Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation)


Featured Image:
Orações para a Vespera de Shabbath (A.C. de Barros Basto 1940) – title
Title: Orações para a Vespera de Shabbath (A.C. de Barros Basto 1940) – title
Caption: Orações para a Vespera de Shabbath (A.C. de Barros Basto 1940) - title