תפילה לעת שרפה - וחמת האש תשכך | Prayer for the Wildfires to Subside (Masorti Foundation, trans. by R' Jonah Rank)

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=14761

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Date: 2016-11-24

Last Updated: 2024-10-20

Categories: Drought & Wildfire

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., drought conditions, global warming, ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: The Prayer for the Fire (תפילה לעת שרפה) was first published by the Masorti Foundation at their website here in response to the November 2016 wildfires in Israel. Translation by Rabbi Jonah Rank. Transcription by Aharon Varady. . . .

וְחֲמַת הָאֵשׁ תִּשְׁכָּךְ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ שֶׁבַּשָׁמַיִם
אֲשֶׁר בְּיָדְךָ נֶפֶשׁ כָּל חַי
וְרוּחַ כָּל בְּשַׂר אִישׁ,
מַשִׁיב הָרוּחַ וּמוֹרִיד הַגֶּשֶׁם.
פְּנֵה נָא אֵלֵינוּ
כִּי בְּצָרָה גְּדוֹלָה אֲנַחְנוּ,
כִּי אֵשׁ עָלְתָה בְּחַלּוֺנֵנוּ
וְעָשָׁן בְּבָתֵּנוּ וּבְחַצְרוֹתֵינוּ.
שְׁמַע־נָא תְּפִלָּתֵנוּ
וְהָבֵא עֲלֵינוּ בְּרָכָה וְשָׁלוֹם,
וְשָׁבוּ הֶעָבִים עַל הָאָרֶץ
וְחֲמַת הָאֵשׁ תִּשְׁכְָּךְ.
And the wrath of the fire will subside
Our God in Heaven,
in whose hand is the soul of all the living
and the spirit of all flesh of humanity;
who makes the wind blow and the rain fall:
Pray turn to us,
for we are in great distress,
for a great fire has arisen in our window
and smoke in our homes and in our yards.
Pray hear our prayers,
and bring blessing and peace upon us;
let the clouds return over the land,
and quell the heat of the flame.
שְׁלַח־נָא אֶת יָדְךְ הַטּוֹבָה
לְאַחֵינוּ שֶׁנּעֱקְרוּ מִבָּתֵֶּיהֶם שֶׁהָיוּ
לְמַאֲכֹלֶת אֵשׁ
וְהַחֲזִירֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק בֵּיתָם
וִיקוּיַם בָּהֶם וּבָנוּ מִקְרָא שֶׁכָּתוּב
”וְיָשְׁבוּ אִישׁ תַּחַת גַּפְנוֹ
וְתַחַת תְּאֵנָתוֹ“‏‏‏ (מיכה ד:ד)
וְתֵן טַל וּמָטָר לִבְרָכָה
עַל כָּל פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה.
Pray send forth Your hand of good
to our siblings who have been uprooted from their homes,
devoured by flame,
and return them soon to the warmth of their home
and their families.
Let the verse in Scripture come to be fulfilled:
“Each person shall sit beneath their vine,
and beneath their fig tree,”[1] Micah 4:4  
and give dew and rain
as a blessing upon the face of the earth.
וְרַוֵּה פּנֵי תֵבֵל
וְשַׂבַּע אֶת הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ מִטּוּבָךְ,
וּמַלֵּא יָדֵינוּ מִבִּרְכוֹתֶיךָ
וּמֵעשֶׁר מַתְּנוֹת יָדֶיךָ.
And quench the face of the world,
and satiate the whole cosmos with Your goodness,
and fill our hands with Your blessings
and with the richness of Your generosity.
שָׁמְרָה וְהַצִּילָה שָׁנָה זוֹ מִכָּל דָבָר רָע,
וּמִכָּל מִינֵי מַשְׁחִית וּמִכָּל מִינֵי פּוּרְעָנוּת,
וַעֲשֵׂה לָהּ תִּקְוָה טוֹבָה וְאַחֲרִית שָׁלוֹם.
וְכֵן יְהִי רָצוֹן, וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן.
Protect and save this year from any manner of evil,
and from any species of destruction or any kind of trouble,
and create for it good hope and a finality of peace.
And so, may it be Your will, and let us say: Amen.

The Prayer for the Fire (תפילה לעת שרפה) was first published by the Masorti Foundation at their website here in response to the November 2016 wildfires in Israel. Translation by Rabbi Jonah Rank. Transcription by Aharon Varady.


[gview file=”https://opensiddur.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/תפילה-לעת-שרפה-Masorti-Foundation-2016.pdf”]


1 Micah 4:4

Contributor: Jonah Rank (translation)


Featured Image:
Title: mount_carmel_forest_fire39
Caption: "Mount Carmel forest fire 2010" (credit: יחידה אווירית משטרת ישראל, license CC BY-SA)