💬 Haftarah Reading for the second day of Rosh haShanah (Jeremiah 31:1-19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

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Date: 2019-09-29

Last Updated: 2021-09-06

Categories: Yirmiyah (Jeremiah), Rosh haShanah Readings

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., Cantillated readings in English, English Translation, Jeremiah, transtropilation, Yirmiyahu, הפטרות haftarot

Excerpt: This is an English translation of the Haftarah reading for the second day of Rosh Hashanah (Jeremiah 31:1-19), transtropilized. . . .



PDF | ODT (with Hebrew)
PDF | ODT (sans Hebrew)

This is an English translation of the Haftarah reading for the second day of Rosh haShanah (Jeremiah 31:1-19), transtropilized (a term coined by Fellman to describe texts where the Masoretic cantillation has been applied to the translation). This translation of the Rosh Hashanah Haftarah reading is based on the translations of Aryeh Kaplan ‘The Living Torah’, the Stone Edition Tanach, The Artscroll Machzor, and The Jerusalem Bible. The cantillation is based on the Hebrew version chanted by Moshe Haschel in ‘Navigating the Bible II’.






Contributor: the Masoretic Text


Featured Image:
💬 Haftarah reading – Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Jeremiah 31 1-19 – featured image
Title: 💬 Haftarah reading – Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Jeremiah 31 1-19 – featured image
Caption: Detail of transtropilized translation of a portion of the Haftarah reading for the second day of Rosh haShanah.