יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translation by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola (1857)

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Date: 2022-01-24

Last Updated: 2022-01-24

Categories: Se'udat Leil Shabbat, Se'udat Yom Shabbat

Tags: 16th century C.E., 54th century A.M., acrostic, Acrostic signature, Aramaic, rhyming translation, זמירות zemirot, יה רבון Yah Ribon, פיוטים piyyutim

Excerpt: This translation by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola of "Yah Ribon" by Rabbi Yisrael Najara was first published in his Ancient Melodies of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (1857). . . .

Source (Aramaic) Translation (English)
יָהּ רִבּוֹן עָלַם וְעָלְמַיָּא
אַנְתְּ הוּא מַלְכָּא מֶֽלֶךְ מַלְכַיָּא
עוֹבָדֵי גְּבוּרְתֵּךְ וְתִמְהַיָּא
שְׁפַר קֳדָמַי לְהַחֲוָיָּא׃ (דניאל ג:לב חלק)
Eternal Sovereign of the world and universe,
Thou art most Supreme, and King of kings.
The greatness of Thy might and of Thy wonders,
may it please Thee to manifest them in my favour.
שְׁבָחִין אֲסַדֵּר צַפְרָא וְרַמְשָׁא
לָךְ אֱלָהָא קַדִּישָׁא דִּי בְּרָא כָּל נַפְשָׁא
עִירִין קַדִּישִׁין וּבְנֵי אֱנָשָׁא
חֵיוַת בָּרָא וְעוֹפֵי שְׁמַיָּא׃
Morning and evening will I address ray praises unto Thee,
most holy Creator of every breathing soul,
of holy spirits, of man,
of the wild beast of the forest and birds in the air.
רַבְרְבִין עוֹבָדָךְ וְתַקִּיפִין
מָכִיךְ רָמַיָּא זַקִּיף כְּפִיפִין
לוּ יְחִי גְבַר שְׁנִין אַלְפִין
לָא יֵעוֹל גְּבוּרְתָּךְ בְּחוּשְׁבְּנַיָּא׃
Many and great are Thy acts:
Thou humblest the proud and sustaincst the oppressed.
Were man to live a thousand years,
he would fail to enumerate all Thy mighty acts.
אֱלָהָא דִּי לֵיהּ יְקַר וּרְבוּתָא
פְּרוֹק יַת עָנָךְ מִפֻּם אַרְיָוָתָא
וְאַפֵּיק יַת עַמָּךְ מִגּוֹ גָלוּתָא
עַמָּךְ דִּי בְחַרְתְּ מִכָּל אֻמַּיָּא׃
Eternal, most Glorious, and Mighty,
deliver Thy afflicted nation from out of the lion’s mouth.
Release Thy people from their captivity,
that people whom Thou preferred to every other nation.
לְמִקְדָּשָׁךְ תּוּב וּלְקֹֽדֶשׁ קֻדְשִׁין
אֲתַר דִּי בֵהּ יֶחֱדוּן רוּחִין וְנַפְשִׁין
וִיזַמְּרוּן לָךְ שִׁירִין וְרַחֲשִׁין
בִּירוּשְׁלֵם קַרְתָּא דְשֻׁפְרַיָּא׃
Return to Thy sanctuary
and to the most holy place,
where angelic spirits and human souls shall celebrate Thy unity,
and sing hymns of praise unto Thee, within Jerusalem, Thy fair city.

This translation by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola of “Yah Ribon” by Rabbi Yisrael Najara was first published in his Ancient Melodies of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (1857).




Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription)


Featured Image:
Title: 1200px-Dehio_10_Dome_of_the_Rock_Section
Caption: Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. Cross section. (Georg Dehio/Gustav von Bezold, 1887–1901) This image is taken from Georg Dehio/Gustav von Bezold: Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Stuttgart: Verlag der Cotta'schen Buchhandlung 1887-1901, Plate No. 10. Due to its age, it is to be used with care. It may not reflect the latest knowledge or the current state of the depicted structure.