📖 הַסִּדּוּר הַשָּׁלֵם (נוסח האר״י) | HaSiddur HaShalem (Ḥassidic-Sefardic), a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and annotated by Paltiel Birnbaum (1969)
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❧The Ḥassidic-Sefardic edition of Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem, a bilingual Hebrew-English comprehensive prayerbook arranged and translated by Paltiel Birnbaum for the Hebrew Publishing Co. in 1969. . . .
📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְרֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה וְיוֹם כִּפּוּר (אשכנז) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Rosh haShanah v’Yom Kippur, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1951)
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❧A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Ashkenaz). . . .
💬 שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים | Shir haShirim (The Song of Songs), English translation by Paltiel Birnbaum (1949)
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❧Paltiel (Philip) Birnbaum’s translation of The Song of Songs (Shir haShirim) in Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem (The [Complete] Daily Prayer Book), Hebrew Publishing Company, 1949. . . .
📖 הַסִּדּוּר הַשָּׁלֵם (אשכנז) | HaSiddur haShalem, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and annotated by Paltiel Birnbaum (1949)
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❧The first edition of the Daily Prayerbook, Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem, compiled and translated by Paltiel Birnbaum (Hebrew Publishing Co. 1949). . . .