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The Yehoyesh Project (transcription)

The Yehoyesh Project was an effort to transcribe the entirety of Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941), the Yiddish translation of the TaNaKh by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (1870-1927). Leonard Prager z"l (1925-2008), founded the Yehoyesh Project (1998-2006). Robert "Itsik" Goldenberg, Craig Abernethy, Robert Berkovitz, Martin Doering, Matthew Fisher, Jack P. Freer, David Herskovic, Allen Mayberry, Elisheva Schonfeld, Marjorie Schonhaut-Hirshan, and Meyer Wolf all contributed to the success of the project.


💬 מגילת רות | Megillat Ruth, Yiddish translation by Yehoyesh Blumgarten (1910)

Contributed on: 06 Jun 2016 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

For the reading of Megillat Ruth on Shavuot, I have presented here the Masoretic text of Ruth according to the R’ Seth (Avi) Kaddish’s experimental Miqra ‘al pi haMesorah side-by-side with Yehoyesh (Yehoash) Blumgarten’s masterful translation in Yiddish. . . .

תהלים א׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 1 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

This is a faithful transcription by the Yehoyesh Project of the Yiddish translation of Psalms 1 made by Yehoyesh Shloyme (Yehoash Solomon) Blumgarten (1870-1927) published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim vol. 2 (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941). The complete transcription of Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim by the Yehoyesh Project in copy/pasteable and searchable plaintext may be found here. . . .

תהלים ב׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 2 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | Unknown Author(s) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

This is a faithful transcription by the Yehoyesh Project of the Yiddish translation of Psalms 2 made by Yehoyesh Shloyme (Yehoash Solomon) Blumgarten (1870-1927) published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim vol. 2 (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941). The complete transcription of Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim by the Yehoyesh Project in copy/pasteable and searchable plaintext may be found here. . . .

תהלים ג׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 3 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

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תהלים ד׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 4 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

This is a faithful transcription by the Yehoyesh Project of the Yiddish translation of Psalms 4 made by Yehoyesh Shloyme (Yehoash Solomon) Blumgarten (1870-1927) published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim vol. 2 (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941). The complete transcription of Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim by the Yehoyesh Project in copy/pasteable and searchable plaintext may be found here. . . .

תורה, נביאים וכתובים: תּרגום ייִדיש פֿון יהואש | The Yiddish Translation of the TaNaKh by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten

Contributed on: 14 Jan 2012 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) | the Hierophant |

The Open Siddur Project is pleased to distribute a masterful Yiddish translation of the Tanakh by “Yehoyesh” (Yehoash) Shloyme Blumgarten (1870-1927) as published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941) that now resides in the Public Domain. . . .