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tag: Nusaḥ Sefaradi Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Qedoshim (Ezekiel 20:2-20 [Sefaradim]): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Qedoshim according to Sefaradi custom, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . ברכת תפלין | Ευχη Δια Τα “Τεφιλιν„ (Φυλακτηρια) :: The Blessings for Wrapping and Crowning Oneself with Tefillin, Greek translation by Yosef Naḥmuli (1885)The blessings for the mitsvah of wrapping ones arm with the tefilin shel yad and crowning oneself with the tefilin shel rosh, in their Greek translation by Rabbi Yosef Naḥmuli. . . . Categories: Tefillin A pizmon in the nusaḥ hasepharadim recited at Seliḥot during the monh of Elul and Yom Kippur. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., acrostic, אדון הסליחות Adon haSeliḥot, Alphabetic Acrostic, Nusaḥ Sefaradi, פזמונים pizmonim, סליחות səliḥot, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah Contributor(s): the Masorti Movement in Israel, Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) עֲקֵדַת יִצְחָק (מנהג הספרדים) | The invocation of Aqédat Yitsḥaq (the Binding of Isaac, Genesis 22:1-19) in the morning (minhag haSefaradim)The prayers invoking the memory of the Aqeidat Yitsḥaq (Genesis 22:1-19) in the morning preparatory prayers in the liturgical custom of the Sefaradim. . . . Categories: Aqédat Yitsḥaq Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s translation of Adon Olam was first printed on page 197 of Orden de las Oraciones de Ros-ashanah y Kipur (1740), his maḥzor in Spanish translation for Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur. The Hebrew text of the piyyut set side-by-side with the translation was transcribed from Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1937). . . . This is Isaac Pinto’s English translation of Adon Olam from Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah, and [Yom] Kippur (1766), p. 29. The translation there appears without the Hebrew. The Hebrew text of the piyyut set side-by-side with the translation was transcribed from Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1937). . . . Adon Olam is a piyyut that became popular in the 15th century and is often attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) and less often to Sherira Gaon (900-1001), or his son, Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939-1038). The variation of the piyyut appearing here is the 12 line version familiar to Sepharadi congregations. (There are also fifteen and sixteen line variants found in Sepharadi siddurim. The Ashkenazi version has ten lines.) The rhyming translation here by David de Aaron de Sola was transcribed from his prayerbook Seder haTefilot vol. 1 (1836), p. 122. . . . Tags: 11th century C.E., 19th century C.E., 49th century A.M., 57th century A.M., אדון עולם Adon Olam, cosmological, Nusaḥ Sefaradi, פיוטים piyyuṭim, rhyming translation Contributor(s): Aharon N. Varady (transcription), David de Aaron de Sola (translation) and Shlomo ibn Gabirol A rhyming English translation of Adon Olam by Rosa Emma Salaman. . . . Adon Olam is a piyyut that became popular in the 15th century and is often attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) and less often to Sherira Gaon (900-1001), or his son, Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939-1038). The variation of the piyyut appearing here is the 12 line version familiar to Sepharadi congregations. (There are also fifteen and sixteen line variants found in Sepharadi siddurim. The Ashkenazi version has ten lines.) The rhyming translation here by Jacob Waley was transcribed from the prayerbook of his daughter Julia M. Cohen’s The Children’s Psalm-Book (1907), pp. 298-299. . . . This is Yosef Naḥmuli’s Greek translation of Adon Olam from his bilingual Hebrew-Greek everyday siddur, Καθημεριναι Προσευχαι (Corfu 1885), p. 6-9. . . . A rhyming translation in English to the popular piyyut, Adon Olam. . . . אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (Portuguese translation by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto, 1939)This is Artur Carlos de Barros Bastos’s Portuguese translation of Adon Olam from his prayer-pamphlet, Oração Matinal de Shabbath (1939), p. 52-53. I have set the translation side-by-side with the Hebrew text from which it was derived. . . . Tags: 11th century C.E., 49th century A.M., אדון עולם Adon Olam, cosmological, Nusaḥ Sefaradi, פיוטים piyyuṭim, Portuguese translation Contributor(s): Artur Carlos de Barros Basto, Shlomo ibn Gabirol and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) This is Rabbi Dr. David Prato’s Italian translation of Adon Olam from his bilingual Hebrew-Italian everyday siddur, Tefilah l’David: Preghiere di Rito Italiano (1949), p. 272-275. . . . The piyyut, Adon Olam, in its expanded fifteen line variation, in Hebrew with English translation. . . . אָמוֹן יוֹם זֶה | Amon Yom Zeh, an introduction to the Azharot of ibn Gabirol by David ben Elazar ibn Paquda (ca. 12th c.)A poetic introduction to the Azharot of Solomon ibn Gabirol read in the afternoon of Shavuot by Sefaradim. . . . Categories: Shavuot Maḥzor Aram Tsoba (1560), transcribed by David Betesh for the Sephardic Pizmonim Project. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim (Festival Prayerbooks) 📖 (מנהג הספרדים) Orden de las Oraciones de Ros Ashanah y Kipur (Spanish translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto, 1740)Part one of Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s two volume set of prayerbooks: Orden de las Oraciones de Ros Ashanah y Kipur (London, 1740), the basis of all subsequent S&P translations (e.g., those of Isaac Pinto and of Aaron and David de Sola). . . . 📖 (מנהג הספרדים) Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah, and [Yom] Kippur (translated by Isaac Pinto, 1766)The first translation of the siddur into English and the first siddur published in the Americas. . . . 📖 (מנהג הספרדים) Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas Ros Hodes Hanuca y Purim (Spanish translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto, 1771)Part two of Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s two volume set of prayerbooks: Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas Ros Hodes Hanuca y Purim (London, 1771), the basis of all subsequent S&P translations (e.g., those of Aaron and David de Sola). . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדור התפלות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews, compiled and translated by David Levi (2nd ed. 1810)One of the earliest bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the British Empire. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 1: Seder haTefilot miKol haShanah (1837)The first volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1837. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 2: Seder haTefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1837)For Rosh haShanah, the second volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1837. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 4: Seder haTefilot l’Ḥag haSukkot (1837)For Sukkot (and including Shemini Atseret and Simḥat Torah), the fourth volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1837. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 5: Seder haTefilot l’Pesaḥ u’l’Shavuot (1837)For Pesaḥ and Shavuot, the fifth volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1837. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Pesaḥ & Shavuot 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 3: Seder haTefilot l’Yom haKipurim (1838)For Yom Kipur, the third volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1837. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 6: Seder haTefilot laTaaniyot (1838)The sixth volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1838. . . . Categories: Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot 📖 סדר תפילות (מנהג הספרדים) | Καθημεριναι Προσευχαι | Seder Tefilot, a bilingual Hebrew-Greek prayerbook translated and arranged by R’ Yosef Naḥmuli (Corfu 1885)Index page for the transcription, proofreading, and decompilation of Καθημεριναι Προσευχαι (Yosef Naḥmuli 1885), a Greek-Hebrew kol bo siddur, nusaḥ sefaradi (minhag Corfu). . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 ספר תפילת החדש (מנהג הספרדים) | The Daily Prayers, a bilingual Hebrew-Marathi prayerbook arranged and translated by Joseph Ezekiel Rajpurkar (1889)A comprehensive (“kol bo”) siddur in the liturgical tradition of the eastern Sefaradim, prepared for the Bene Israel community in India. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדר תפלת כל פה (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder Tefilat Kol Peh, a bilingual Hebrew-Ladino prayerbook (1891)A bilingual Hebrew-Ladino Sefaradi siddur from the Ottoman Empire. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדר התפלות חלק א׳ (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot vol.1: Daily and Occasional Prayers, translated by Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola (1835/1852), edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1901)A bilingual Hebrew-English siddur, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדר התפלות לראש השנה (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Rosh haShanah, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1903)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh haShanah, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah Contributor(s): Moses Gaster, David de Aaron de Sola (translation) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 סדר התפלות ליום כפור (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Yom Kippur, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1904, amended 1934)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster, amended by Rabbi David Bueno de Mesquita. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim 📖 סדר התפלות לחג הסכות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Ḥag haSukkot, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1906)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festival of Sukkot, Shemini Atseret and Simḥat Torah, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret 📖 סדר התפלות לפסח ולשבועות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Pesaḥ u’l’Shavuot, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1906)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festival of Pesaḥ and Shavuot, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Pesaḥ & Shavuot 📖 סידור פרחי (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Farḥi, a bilingual Hebrew-Arabic prayerbook by Dr. Hillel Farḥi (1913)Join us in creating a faithful digital transcription of the Siddur Farḥi (Hillel Farḥi, 1917), a nusaḥ sepharadi, minhag Egypt siddur. After transcription and proofreading, this new digital edition will be shared under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) Public Domain dedication. The edition will then be encoded in TEI XML and archived in the Open Siddur database, a libre Open Access liturgy database. We are grateful to Alain Farḥi for imaging this Public Domain work and providing a digital copy for this effort. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדר תפלת ישורון (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder Tefilat Yeshurun, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated by Menaḥem-Gershon Glenn (1935)This is סדר תפלת ישורון Book of prayers Tephilath Jeshurun: containing all the prayers for the year according to the custom of the holy congregations of the Sephardim in the Orient and elsewhere translated by Menaḥem ben Mosheh Yeḥezqel and published by the Hebrew Publishing Company in 1935. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 תפלות לראש השנה (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1937)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh haShanah in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1937. . . . 📖 תפלות ליום כיפור (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Yom Kippur, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1939)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1939. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim 📖 סדר התפילות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1941)Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for Sepharadi Jews. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 מנחת תודה | Minḥat Todah :: Service for Thanksgiving Day, arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)A special service prepared by Rabbi David de Sola Pool for Thanksgiving Day in the United States at K.K. Shearith Israel and published by the Union of Sephardic Congregations in 1945. . . . Categories: Seder for Thanksgiving Day (United States) הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government on Thanksgiving Day, offered by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)The Prayer for the Government offered by Rabbi David de Sola Pool in his service for Thanksgiving Day in 1945. . . . 📖 תפלות למועדים (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Mo’adim, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1947)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festivals of Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkot (with Shmini Atseret and Simḥat Torah) in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1947. . . . A bilingual Hebrew-English egalitarian and Sefaradi weekday siddur. . . . Categories: Weekday siddurim 📖 זמירות המזרח: מחזור ליום כפור (מנהג הספרדים) | Zemirot haMizraḥ: Maḥzor for Yom Kippur, by Daniel Cayre (Kanisse 2021)A bilingual Hebrew-English Sepharadi Jewish prayerbook (maḥzor) for Yom Kippur, with gender inclusive language, compiled and translated by Daniel Cayre for Kanisse: a Modern Sephardic + Mizrahi Community. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Nusaḥ Sefaradim Edot ha-MizraḥA schedule for the reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Nusaḥ Edot ha-Mizraḥ. . . . | ||
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