Let Us to Prayer! It is the Holy Time – a hymn for Shavuot by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)

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Date: 2021-11-04

Last Updated: 2024-12-17

Categories: Shavuot

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., AABB rhyming scheme, English vernacular prayer, hymns, South Carolina

Excerpt: "Let us to prayer! it is the holy time," by Penina Moïse, published in 1842, appears under the subject "Pentecost (Shabbungote)" as Hymn 70 in Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, 1842), pp. 73-74. . . .

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Let us to prayer! it is the holy time,
When Moses stood on Sinai’s mount sublime;
Communing with that uncreated One,
Whose glory on his brow reflected shone.
Earth reeled in presence of its mighty King,
From whom eternal truth and knowledge spring;
Red lightnings quivered o’er the conscious sod,
As man revealed the graven laws of God.
Oh house of Jacob! upon “eagles’ wings,”[1] Cf. Exodus 19:4  
Triumphant borne through desert wanderings;
Ye who have been the Lord’s peculiar choice,
Forever in that covenant rejoice!
Oh! treasure until life itself departs,
Those precious statutes in your inmost hearts!
Cause every member of your household band,
Daily to meditate on each command;
Until the spirit of those words divine,
Sheds on their souls its influence benign!
Blessing and curse are both before ye set,
May ye the promise win, and ward the threat!

“Let us to prayer! it is the holy time,” by Penina Moïse, published in 1842, appears under the subject “Pentecost (Shabbungote)” as Hymn 70 in Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, 1842), pp. 73-74. –Aharon Varady





1 Cf. Exodus 19:4

Contributor: Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina)


Featured Image:
Let us to prayer! it is the holy time – Penina Moïse Cohen (1842) – cropped
Title: Let us to prayer! it is the holy time – Penina Moïse Cohen (1842) – cropped