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David ben Yishai (traditional attribution)

David ben Yishai was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, reigning ca. 1010–970 BCE. While almost half of the Psalms are headed "l'David" and tradition identifies several with specific events in David’s life (e.g., Psalms № 3, 7, 18, 34, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63 and 142), most scholars consider these headings to be late additions and that no psalm can be attributed to David with certainty. 1 Samuel 16:15-18 describes David as a skillful harp (lyre) player and "the sweet psalmist of Israel."


תהלים ג׳ | Psalms 3, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 19 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 3 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 3. . . .

תהלים ג׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 3 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 10 Jun 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 3 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the Sephardic Studies Collection at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ג׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 3 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

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תהלים ד׳ | Psalms 4, a mizmor of David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)

Contributed on: 06 Jun 2022 by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

The 4th psalm of the book of Psalms in Masoretic Hebrew accompanied by an English translation. . . .

תהלים ד׳ | Psalms 4, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 19 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 4 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 4. . . .

תהלים ד׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 4 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 17 Jun 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 4 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the Sephardic Studies Collection at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ד׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 4 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)

Contributed on: 13 Jul 2017 by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) |

This is a faithful transcription by the Yehoyesh Project of the Yiddish translation of Psalms 4 made by Yehoyesh Shloyme (Yehoash Solomon) Blumgarten (1870-1927) published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim vol. 2 (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941). The complete transcription of Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim by the Yehoyesh Project in copy/pasteable and searchable plaintext may be found here. . . .

תהלים ה׳ | Psalms 5, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 19 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 5 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 5-6. . . .

תהלים ה׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 5 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 5 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ו׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 6 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 30 Jun 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 6 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ו׳ | Psalms 6, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 29 Jul 2018 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | the Masoretic Text |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included his translation of the prayer Psalms 6 in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). . . .

תהלים ז׳ | Psalms 7, a shigayon of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 28 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 7 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 8-9. . . .

תהלים ז׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 7 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 08 Jul 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 7 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ח׳ | Psalms 8, a mizmor of David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)

Contributed on: 26 Jul 2021 by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

The 8th psalm of the book of Psalms in Masoretic Hebrew accompanied by an English translation. . . .

תהלים ח׳ | Psalms 8, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 28 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 8 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 10. . . .

תהלים ח׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 8 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 15 Jul 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 8 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ט׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 9 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 22 Jul 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 9 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י׳ | Psalms 10, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 28 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 10 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 12-13. . . .

תהלים י״א בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 11 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 05 Aug 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 11 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״א | Psalms 11, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 29 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 11 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 14. . . .

תהלים י״ב | Psalms 12, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 29 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 12 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 15. . . .

תהלים י״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 12 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 12 Aug 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 12 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ג | Psalms 13, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 30 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 13 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 16. . . .

תהלים י״ג בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 13 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 20 Aug 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 13 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ד בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 14 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 26 Aug 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 14 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ד | Psalms 14, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 30 Apr 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation and reworking of Psalms 14 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 17. . . .

תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi

Contributed on: 06 Feb 2020 by Shaul Vardi (translation) | Levi Weiman-Kelman (translation) | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Psalms 15, in Hebrew with an abridged translation. . . .

תהלים ט״ו בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 15 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 02 Sep 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 15 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Contributed on: 26 Jul 2018 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Psalms 15 is read on special days of festive joy in place of Taḥanun. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included his translation of Psalms 15 in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). To the best of my ability, I have set his translation side-by-side with the verses comprising the Psalm. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים ט״ז | Psalms 16, a mikhtam by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 01 May 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation and reworking of Psalms 16 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 19. . . .

תהלים ט״ז בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 16 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 09 Sep 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 16 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ז | Psalms 17, a tefilah by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 01 May 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation and reworking of Psalms 17 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 20-21. . . .

תהלים י״ז בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 17 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 16 Sep 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 17 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ח | Psalms 18, a shir by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 02 May 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation and reworking of Psalms 18 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 22-27. . . .

תהלים י״ח בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 18 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 23 Sep 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 18 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים י״ט | Psalms 19, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 09 May 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 19 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 28-29. . . .

תהלים י״ט בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 19 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 30 Sep 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 19 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים כ׳ | Psalms 20, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 11 May 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 20 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 30. . . .

תהלים כ׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 20 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 05 Oct 2017 by Shmueli Gonzales (transcription) | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 20 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים כ׳ | Psalms 20 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Contributed on: 21 Feb 2019 by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Psalms 20 by David in Hebrew with English translation. . . .

תהלים כ״א בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 21 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 14 Oct 2017 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of Psalms 21 from תהילים או לוס סאלמוס ; טריסלאד’אד’וס דיל לשון הקדש אין לה לינגואה ספרדית (Tehillim, or the Psalms, translated from the Holy language [Hebrew] into the Sephardic language, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit 1852/3) from a digital copy made available by the collection of Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington. Please join me in making a complete transcription of this Ladino translation of Psalms. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים כ״ב | Psalms 22, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 03 Jul 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 22 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), pp. 32-36. . . .

תהלים כ״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 22 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)

Contributed on: 11 Feb 2019 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | the Masoretic Text |

A Ladino translation of Psalms 22 first published in mid-19th century Izmir. . . .

תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, translation by Shim’on Menachem, melody by Shir Yaakov

Contributed on: 01 Jun 2015 by Shim'on Menachem | Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Listen to a recording of Psalm 23 chanted to an Indian-inspired melody. . . .

תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 19 Mar 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

A paraliturgical translation of Psalms 23 in English, set side-by-side with the Masoretic Hebrew. . . .

תהלים כ״ד | Psalms 24, the Psalm for Sunday (translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l)

Contributed on: 29 Jul 2017 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | the Masoretic Text |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included his translation of the Psalm of the Day for Sunday (Psalms 24) in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). To the best of my ability, I have set his translation side-by-side with a transcription of the vocalized text of the Psalm. –Aharon N. Varady . . .

תהלים כ״ה | Psalms 25, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l

Contributed on: 29 Jul 2018 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | the Masoretic Text |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included his translation of Psalms 25 in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009) for days on which Taḥanun is practiced after the morning Amidah. . . .

תהלים כ״ו | Psalms 26, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

Contributed on: 03 Jul 2022 by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s translation of Psalms 26 was first published in Psalms in a Translation for Praying (Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Philadelphia: 2014), p. 41. . . .

תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi

Contributed on: 06 Feb 2020 by Shaul Vardi (translation) | Levi Weiman-Kelman (translation) | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

Psalms 27, in Hebrew with an abridged translation. . . .

תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, an interpretive translation by Zackary Sholem Berger

Contributed on: 24 Aug 2023 by Zackary Sholem Berger | the Masoretic Text | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) |

This is an interpretive translation of Psalms 27 first published by Zackary Sholem Berger on medium. . . .