This is an archive of prayers and songs written for, or relevant to, the New Year’s Day for All of Creation — marking the beginning of the seventh month and its ensemble of festival days leading towards the commencement of the rainy season in the Northern Hemisphere. (Rosh haShanah l’Maaseh Bereshit coincides with Rosh Ḥodesh Tishrei.) Click here to contribute a prayer you have written or selected for Rosh haShanah l’Maaseh Bereshit. Filter resources by Collaborator Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category Filter resources by Language Filter resources by Date Range
The full text of the alphabetic mesostic piyyut, Hayom, according to the Italian nusaḥ. . . .
A rahit (a chain piyyut before the silluq) for the second day of Rosh haShanah, by R’ Shimon bar Isaac “the Great” of Mainz. Here translated preserving the acrostic, slightly edited from its form as part of a day 2 service maḥzor designed by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer. . . .
A magen piyyut (recited as part of the first blessing of Shaḥarit) for the second day of Rosh haShanah by Rabbi Shimon bar Isaac “the Great” of Mainz. Here translated preserving the acrostic, slightly edited from its form as part of a day 2 service maḥzor designed by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer. . . .
An early 17th century song for Yom T’ruah (Rosh haShanah) by Karaite Ḥakham, Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki. . . .
An early 17th century song for Yom T’ruah (Rosh haShanah) by Karaite Ḥakham, Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki. . . .
Two suggestions for ḥazanim (cantors) and shliḥei tzibur on the High Holidays. . . .
A 21st century recasting of the iconic 13th century Spanish mystical Rosh haShanah piyyut. . . .
The Raḥamana piyyut is a litany beloved in Sephardic and Mizraḥi communities, a standard part of their Seliḥoth services throughout the month of Elul and the days of repentance. Traditionally it cites a list of Biblical men (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Pinhas, David, and Solomon) and asks to be remembered for their merit and their covenants, for the sake of “Va-yaŋabor” — the first word of Exodus 34:6, the introduction to the verses of the Thirteen Attributes recited in Seliḥoth services. This text instead uses Biblical women (Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel, Serach, Miriam, Deborah, Ruth, Hannah, and Esther). . . .