This is an archive of prayers and songs written for, or relevant to, the New Year’s Day for All of Creation — marking the beginning of the seventh month and its ensemble of festival days leading towards the commencement of the rainy season in the Northern Hemisphere. (Rosh haShanah l’Maaseh Bereshit coincides with Rosh Ḥodesh Tishrei.) Click here to contribute a prayer you have written or selected for Rosh haShanah l’Maaseh Bereshit. Filter resources by Collaborator Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category Filter resources by Language Filter resources by Date Range
Almost everyone who is Jewish knows that Kol Nidre is about releasing vows and has participated in the ceremony. Few know the parallel ritual done in small groups before Rosh Hashanah. Traditionally, right before Rosh Hashanah one performs this simple ritual with three friends, each in turn becoming the petitioner, while the other three act as the beit din, the judges in a court. The ritual is a wonderful way to enter the holidays as well as to prepare oneself for what will happen on Yom Kippur. . . .
The prayer, Aleinu, as read by Sepharadim, with an English translation by Rabbi David de Sola Pool. . . .
Tags: 3rd century C.E., 40th century A.M., על כן נקוה al ken n'qaveh, עלינו Aleinu, censored prayers under Christendom, חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers), Jewish identity, מלכויות malkhuyot, standing posture, testament to divine reality, עדות witnessing
A quadrilingual text of U-N’taneh Tokef — Yiddish, Ladino, English, and Hebrew. . . .
The full text of the alphabetic mesostic piyyut, Hayom, according to the Italian nusaḥ. . . .
A rahit (a chain piyyut before the silluq) for the second day of Rosh haShanah, by R’ Shimon bar Isaac “the Great” of Mainz. Here translated preserving the acrostic, slightly edited from its form as part of a day 2 service maḥzor designed by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer. . . .
A magen piyyut (recited as part of the first blessing of Shaḥarit) for the second day of Rosh haShanah by Rabbi Shimon bar Isaac “the Great” of Mainz. Here translated preserving the acrostic, slightly edited from its form as part of a day 2 service maḥzor designed by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer. . . .
This is the piyyut, עֵת שַׁעֲרֵי רָצוֹן (Eit Shaarei Ratson) by Rabbi Yehuda ben Shmuel ibn Abbas (12th century Aleppo, Syria (born in Fez, Morocco)). The English translation presented here is by Rabbi Stephen Belsky. . . .
The Italian Jewish community is one of the oldest continuous Jewish communities on the planet, dating back to the Roman empire at the latest.The Italian Jewish nusaḥ preserves several archaic practices that Ashkenazi and Sephardi rites no longer follow, many of which were found in gaonic siddurim and preserved only among the Italians. One fascinating custom of the Italian Jews is the recitation of what Ashkenazim and Sephardim call “Kol Nidrei” not in Aramaic, but in Hebrew, under the name “Kol N’darim.” This custom, also found among the Romaniotes of Greece, is elsewhere only found in the siddur of Rav Amram Gaon. The text included here is transcribed, niqqud and all, directly from a 1469 Italian-rite siddur found in the British Library. The scribe uses several non-standard vocalizations, which have been marked in editors’ notes. . . .
An early 17th century song for Yom T’ruah (Rosh haShanah) by Karaite Ḥakham, Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki. . . .
An early 17th century song for Yom T’ruah (Rosh haShanah) by Karaite Ḥakham, Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki. . . .
This prayer by Glikl bat Yehudah Leib was made from the text transcribed and published in Chava Turniansky’s critical edition, Glikl: Memoirs (1691-1719) (Shazar 2006), pp. 242-244, and Sara Friedman’s English translation of that edition, edited by Turniansky (Brandeis University Press 2019), p. 144. . . .
An exhortation given by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto published before his translation of the Sliḥot, in Spanish with English translation by Isaac Pinto (1766). . . .
“Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the New Moon of Tishrei [Rosh Hashanah]” by Rebbetsin Seril Rappaport is a faithful transcription of her tkhine included in “תחנה אמהות מן ראש חודש אלול” (Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the New Moon of Elul) published in Vilna, 1874, as re-published in The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. . . .
“Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the Blowing of the Shofar” by Rebbetsin Seril Rappaport is a faithful transcription of her tkhine included in “תחנה אמהות מן ראש חודש אלול” (Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the New Moon of Elul) published in Vilna, 1874, as re-published in The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. . . .
Tags: 18th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Angels as advocates, Imahot as Advocates, Jewish Women's Prayers, repentance, שופר shofar, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah
“Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the Torah Reading on Rosh Hashanah” by Rebbetsin Seril Rappaport is a faithful transcription of her tkhine included in “תחנה אמהות מן ראש חודש אלול” (Tkhine of the Matriarchs for the New Moon of Elul) published in Vilna, 1874, as re-published in The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. . . .
A profound song invoking divine presence. . . .
Tags: 18th century C.E., 56th century A.M., אנה אמצאך ana emtsaeka, creator within creation, חסידות Ḥasidut, הבדלות havdalot, Hebrew translation, non-dual theology, panentheism, תשובה teshuvah, Yiddish songs, זמירות zemirot
“Zweites Gebet vor dem Schofar blasen” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №36 on pp. 44-46. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №33 on pp. 49-51. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №35 on pp. 52-54. . . .
“Dieser Psalm wird siebenmal vor dem Schofer blasen wiederholt (Psalm 47)” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №35 on p. 44. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №31 on pp. 47-48. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №33 on pp. 50-51. . . .
Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, למנציח Lamnatse'aḥ, מזמור Mizmor, Psalms 47, שופר shofar, shofar blowing, תשרי זמן Tishrei Zman
“Am Neujahrstage vor dem Schofer blasen” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №34 on pp. 43-44. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №32 on pp. 48-49. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №34 on pp. 51-52. . . .
“Betrachtungen für die zehn Bußtage” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №42 on pp. 53-56. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №41 pp. 64-68. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №43 on pp. 67-71. . . .
“Am Neujahrstag und Versöhnungstag wenn der Vorbether Alenu sagt” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №40 on pp. 51-52. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №39 pp. 62-63. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №41 on pp. 65-66. . . .
“Bei eben dieser Gelegenheit am Neujahrs⸗, am Versöhnungstage und am siebenten Tage des Laubhüttenfestes” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion as teḥinah №19 on pp. 23-24. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №19 on pp. 27-28. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №21 on pp. 30-31. . . .
“Gebet wenn der Vorbeter unssane Tokef vorträgt” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1833 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion on pp. 47-48. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №34 on pp. 51-52. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №36 on pp. 54-55. . . .
“Am Neujahrstag, ראשׁ השׁנה und am Versöhnungstag, יוֹם כִּיפּוּר wenn der Vorbeter knieend spricht: וַאַנַחֲנוּ כּוֺרְעִים” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1835 edition, as teḥinah №44 pp. 74-75. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №46 on pp. 77-78. . . .
Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., cemetery prayers, פעלד־מעסטען feldmesten, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, in the merit of our ancestors, Jewish Women's Prayers, memento mori, ḳever mesten, תחינות teḥinot, תשובה teshuvah, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah
“Meditation on the works of God” by Grace Aguilar was published posthumously by her mother Sarah Aguilar in the UK edition of Sacred Communings, pp. 79-82. It is not found in the US edition. . . .
A prayer offered on erev Rosh haShanah or Yom Kippur to visit the local Jewish cemetery. . . .
Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Bohemian Jewry, cemetery prayers, erev yom kippur, German vernacular prayer, memento mori, סעודה המפסקת seudah hamafseket, תחינות teḥinot, Teḥinot in German, ימים נוראים yamim noraim
A meditation on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippurim. . . .
A prayer for a woman preparing herself on Erev Rosh haShanah. . . .
This translation of the blessing sheheḥiyanu was written by Jessie Ethel Sampter and published under the title “Blessing for Rosh-Hashanah” in her Around the Year in Rhymes for the Jewish Child (1920), p. 11. . . .
The prayer-poem ““Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin”” by Miriam del Banco (1858-1931) was included in her posthumously published anthology, Poetry and Prose (1932), p. 94-95. . . .
The poem “New Year” by Miriam del Banco (1858-1931) was included in her posthumously published anthology, Poetry and Prose (1932), p. 113-114. . . .
“The Open Door of the Heart” by Rabbi Morrison David Bial was first published in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), pp. 43-44, from where this prayer was transcribed. . . .
“New Years Prayer” by Rabbi Morrison David Bial was first published in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 66, from where this prayer was transcribed. . . .
This undated “Prayer for the New Year” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 350. . . .
“baShanah haBa’ah” (Next Year) by Ehud Manor written in 1968 in memory of his brother Yehudah. . . .
“Between the Fires: A Prayer for lighting Candles of Commitment” was composed by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, drawing on traditional midrash about the danger of a Flood of Fire, and the passage from Malachi. . . .
This egalitarian adaptation of the Me she’Ana seliḥah for the season of Teshuvah was made by Julia Andelman and Lisa Exler in September 2004. . . .
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., עננו anenu, Avot and Imahot, egalitarian, in the merit of our ancestors, מי שענה Mi She’anah, North America, סליחות səliḥot, traditional egalitarian, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah
A pun filled ditty by the Fall 2010 Jewish environmental educators of the Teva Learning Center. . . .
God of all spirit, all directions, all winds You have placed in our hands power unlike any since the world began to overturn the orders of creation. . . .
Avi Dolgin shares his mindful practice for maintaining “tashlikh consciousness” in the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah. . . .
A paraliturgical Amidah (standing mediation) for Rosh haShanah. . . .
In Uman, Ukraine (and in [the Breslov [community] in general) during the repetition of Rosh Hashanah Musaf, when when the ḥazan gets to the special brokha in the Amidah for Yamim Nora’im [the Days of Awe]: . . .
May the words we are with Your help sharing today, Speak deeply –- with Your help — to our nation and the world. Help us all to know that the sharing of our breath with all of life Is the very proof, the very truth, that we are One. . . .