This is an archive of prayers and other works relevant to the 7th and final day of Passover (extended to two days outside of Erets Yisrael). The day commemorates the miraculous passage of the newly liberated Israelites through the Sea of Reeds, and the destruction of the Pharaonic army pursuing them. Click here to contribute a work that you have prepared for the 7th day of Pesaḥ. Filter resources by Collaborator Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category Filter resources by Language Filter resources by Date Range
“The Song of Miriam” by Rabbi Ruth Sohn was first published as “I Shall Sing to the Lord a New Song,” in Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, Reconstructionist Prayerbook, 1989, 1995 Second Edition. Reconstructionist Press, pp. 768-769. (This poem was also published in several haggadot and other books and set to music by several composers in the U.S. and Israel.) Rabbi Sohn wrote the poem in 1981 as a rabbinical student after immersing herself in the Torah verses and the traditional midrashim about Miriam, and after writing a longer modern midrash about Miriam. Part of this modern midrash was published as “Journeys,” in All the Women Followed Her, ed. Rebecca Schwartz (Rikudei Miriam Press, 2001). . . .
Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., אז ישיר Az Yashir, English vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, Miriam, Opening Prayers, Openers, Prayers as poems, תפילות קודם התפילה Prayers before Praying, Prayers for Praying
These are the lyrics of the song, Miryam haNevi’ah, written by rabbis Leila Gal Berner and Arthur Waskow (with Hebrew by Leila Gal Berner) as found published in My People’s Prayer Book, vol. 7: Shabbat at Home, (ed. L. Hoffman, 1997), section 3, p. 189. The English lyrics are from an article published several years earlier — “Memories of a Jewish Lesbian Evening” by Roger McDougle appearing in Bridges (vol. 4:1, Winter/Spring 1994), on the top of page 58. No specific date is given for the havdalah program described in the article, alas. If you know the earliest reference for the publication or use of Miryam haNevi’ah, please contact us. . . .
“Shirat Miriam and Devorah / Uri, Uri” (Song of Miriam, Song of Deborah / Rise up, Rise Up) was first published in 2024, as the second of four piyyutim published through the Diwan Ashira Project by Ephraim Kahn. . . .
Tags: 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., Devorah, Miriam, פיוטים piyyuṭim, רשות reshut, פרשת בשלח parashat B'shalaḥ, שבת שירה shabbat shirah, שירת הים Shirat haYam, זמירות zemirot