Alice Lucas (translation)
Alice Julia Lucas (née Montefiore) (2 August 1851 – 25 March 1935) was a British Jewish poet, translator, and communal worker. Alice Julia Montefiore was born in 1851, the elder daughter of Nathaniel M. Montefiore and Emma Goldsmid. Alongside her brother Claude Montefiore, she studied Judaism under Solomon Schechter at the Hochschule in Berlin. On 24 April 1873 she married barrister Henry Lucas, who later served as treasurer and vice-president of the United Synagogue. In 1900 she helped establish the Jewish Study Society, modelled after the Council of Jewish Women, of which she served as the first president. Lucas also sat on the women's committee of the Westminster Jews' Free School and its preparatory nursery, the Jews' Infant School.
Weekday Amidah | Arvit l'Shabbat | Morning Baqashot | Bedtime Shema | Blessings After Eating | Elohai Neshamah | Hashkivenu | Motsei Shabbat | Se'udat Yom Shabbat | Musaf l'Shabbat | Yom Kippur
ABCB rhyming scheme | Acrostic signature | אדון עולם Adon Olam | ברכת המפיל birkat hamapil | cosmological | doctrinal | אלהי נשמה Elohai neshamah | English vernacular prayer | המבדיל בין קדש לחל Hamavdil Bein Ḳodesh l'Ḥol | השכיבנו hashkivenu | חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers) | הבדלות havdalot | נעילה neilah | night | paraliturgical birkat hamapil | paraliturgical birkat hamazon | Openers | פיוטים piyyuṭim | Prayers as poems | prophylactic | protection | rhyming translation | פרשת תרומה parashat Terumah | statements of belief | צור משלו Tsur Mishelo | יגדל yigdal | יום זה לישראל Yom Zeh l'Yisrael | זמירות zemirot | Psalms 51 | 11th century C.E. | 12th century C.E. | 15th century C.E. | 16th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 49th century A.M. | 50th century A.M. | 53rd century A.M. | 54th century A.M. | 57th century A.M.
Yehudah ben Shmuel haLevi | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Unknown Author(s) | Yitsḥak Luria | Yitsḥak ben Yehudah Ibn Ghayyāth HaLevi | Daniel ben Yehudah Dayyan
Offerings, by Alice Lucas (1898)
Contributed by Alice Lucas (translation) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
A meditation on prayer and earnest offering. . . .