Gebet einer Frau, deren Mann auf Reisen ist | Prayer of a woman whose husband is travelling, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
Contributed on: 12 Jun 2020 by
❧A prayer of a wife whose spouse is away from home, travelling. . . .
Gebet einer unglücklichen Ehegattin | Prayer of an unhappy wife, a teḥinah by Fanny Neuda (1855)
Contributed on: 22 Feb 2022 by
❧“Gebet einer unglücklichen Ehegattin” by Fanny Neuda was first published in her collection of teḥinot, Stunden der Andacht. ein Gebet⸗ und Erbauungs-buch für Israels Frauen und Jungfrauen (1855), pp. 92-93. In the 1864 Judeo-German edition, it is found on pp. 118-120. . . .