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This is an archive of prayers, prayer-poems, and songs for Yom haKippurim.

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O Day of God, an English translation of Leopold Stein’s paraliturgical Kol Nidrei “O Tag des Herrn!” by Frederick Lucian Hosmer (1904)

הַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל | Hamavdil Ben Ḳodesh l’Ḥol, a piyyut attributed to Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah ibn Ghayyat (rhymed translation by Alice Lucas, 1898)

כִּי הִנֵּה כַּחֹֽמֶר | Ki Hineh Kaḥomer, rhymed translation by Alice Lucas (1898)

פעלד־מעסטען | Feldmesten | Measuring of the Graves, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)

A Penitential Prayer, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (October 1867)

[Prayer] for the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)

Prayer for the Evening of the Day of Atonement (נעילה), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)

O Day of God, Leopold Stein’s paraliturgical Kol Nidrei “O Tag des Herrn” (1840) adapted in English by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (1866)

Betrachtung am Neujahrsund Versöhnungstage | Meditation on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, by Fanny Neuda (1855)

Am Tage vor dem neuen Jahre oder dem Versöhnungsfeste, wenn man die Gräber besucht | [Prayer] for when you visit the graves on Erev Rosh haShanah or Yom Kippur before the Seudah Mafseket, by Fanny Neuda (1855)

Lord of the World! When I Behold – a hymn for Yom Kippur by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)

My Heart is Bared to Thee, Oh Lord – a hymn for Yom Kippur by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)

Eternal Love is Thine, a hymn for Yom Kippur by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)

O Tag des Herrn! (O Day of YHVH), a paraliturgical Kol Nidrei by Leopold Stein (1840)

Meditation for the Penitential Days, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)

Prayer for the Penitential Days, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)

Am Neujahrstag und am Versöhnungstag, wenn der Vorbeter knieend spricht: וַאַנַחֲנוּ כּוֹרְעִים | On Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, when the prayer leader kneels saying “va-anaḥnu kor’im”, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)

כִּי־בַיּוֹם הַזֶּה | Ki vaYom haZeh, a Ḳaraite song for Yom Kippur

Gebet am Tage vor Neujahr und am Tage vor dem Versöhnungsfeste | Prayer on the day before Rosh haShanah and on the day before Yom Kippur, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)

בָּרֲכִי נַפְשִׁי | Preise ihn, meine Seele! | Barkhi Nafshi, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi in abridged translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)

Am Neujahrs⸗, am Versöhnungstage und am siebenten Tage des Laubhüttenfestes, wenn man Behufs der üblichen Vorlesungen die Gesetzrolle aus der heiligen Lade nimmt | On Rosh haShanah, Yom Kippur, and Hoshana Rabbah when one removes the Torah from the holy Ark, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Am Neujahrstag und Versöhnungstag wenn der Vorbether Alenu sagt | On Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur at Aleinu, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Betrachtungen für die zehn Bußtage | Reflections for the Ten Days of Penance, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Andachtsübung über das Verhältniß der Kinder zu ihren Eltern | Devotional exercise on the relationship of children to their parents, a teḥinah for those with living parents during the Yizkor service by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Am Vorabend des Versöhnungstages (כל נדרי) | On the Eve of Yom Kippur (Kol Nidrei), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Am Versöhnungstage, wenn aus der heiligen Schrift vorgelesen wird | During the Torah Reading Service on Yom Kippur, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Am Versöhnungstag zu מנחה (über die Geschichte von Jona) | On reading the story of Yonah on Yom Kippur at Minḥah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Vor Neïla (Schlußgebet) | For Neïlah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

א דוּדעלע (אַיֵּה אֶמְצָאֶךָּ)‏ | A Dudele (Where shall I seek you?), by Rabbi Levi Yitsḥaq of Berditchev (ca. 18th c.)

תחנה אמהות | Prayer for Yizkor, from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th century)

תחנה פאר די ליכט מאכין אום ערב יום כפור | Tkhine for Candlemaking on Erev Yom Kippur, by Sarah bat Tovim (ca. early 18th c.)

A Prayer for Divine Mercy, by Glikl of Hameln from her memoirs (ca. early 18th c.)

אֲדוֹן הַסְּלִיחוֹת | Adon haSeliḥot (Lord of Forgiveness), a pizmon for Seliḥot and Yom Kippur

אֲֽדֹנָי נֶגְדְּךָ כׇל־תַּאֲוָתִי | Adonai Negdekha kol Ta’avati, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi (early 12th c.) rhyming translation by Alice Lucas (1894)

סליחה מר׳ יצחק אבן גיאת | Seliḥah by Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah Ibn Ghayyat (ca. 11th century) translated by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l

הַיּוֹם תְּאַמְּצֵנוּ | haYom T’amtseinu, a piyyut for the end of musaf on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur

ברכת המזון ליום הכפורים | Poetic Birkat haMazon for the break-fast meal after Yom Kippur, as found in British Library MS Or. 9772 D

💬 מזמור לבן סירא על זכות אבותינו (פרקים מד-נ)‏ | Paean of Ben Sira on the Merit of the Ancestors (ch. 44-50), vocalized and cantillated with the Poetic Masoretic System by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer