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This is an archive of prayers, prayer-poems, and songs for the festival of Sukkot.

Click here to contribute a prayer or a transcription or translation of a historic prayer.

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a red ribbon | ABAB rhyming scheme | ABABCC rhyming scheme | acrostic | Acrostic signature | Afghanistan | Alphabetic Acrostic | alphabetic mesostic | American Jewry of the United States | Americanism | אנא בכח Ana b'Khoaḥ | Ancestors | animal welfare | animals | anti-predatory | anxiety | archetypes | Avot and Imahot | barley | being human | Biblical Women | bigotry | blessings | Bohemian Jewry | Breslov | candle lighting | captives | climate crisis | cornucopia | cyclical | Divine name acrostic | Divine Presence | eco-conscious | ecoḥasid | egalitarian | English poetry | English vernacular prayer | entering | fire | first fruits | German Jewry | German vernacular prayer | global climate change | Gratitude | הקפות haḳafot | חסידי ברצלב Ḥasidei Bratslav (Breslov) | חסרונן ḥesronan | Hoshana Rabbah | הושענות hoshanot | hospitality | U.S. House of Representatives | hymns | אמהות Imahot | in the merit of our ancestors | Jewish Women's Prayers | כוונות kavvanot | kindling | labyrinth | liberation | liberty | Light | Likutei Tefilot | menschlekite | mesostic | מי שענה Mi She’anah | מודים Modim | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | North America | Northampton | Occupy Judaism | Occupy Wall Street | Opening Prayers | paraliturgical teḥinot | פיוטים piyyuṭim | potential | Prayers as poems | Prayers inside sukkot | Prayers of Guest Chaplains | Problematic prayers | קבלה ḳabbalah | Raḥav | religious Zionist prayers | הוצאת ספר תורה Removal of the Torah from the Ark | rhyming translation | ספירות sefirot | סליחות səliḥot | shalmah | שכינה Shekhinah | South Carolina | spirits | sukkah songs | תחינות teḥinot | Teḥinot in German | thankfulness | thanksgiving | תשרי זמן Tishrei Zman | traditional egalitarian | United States | United States Immigration Policy | אושפיזתא Ushpizata | אושפיזין ushpizin | walled cities | welcoming | wheat | ישראל Yisrael | זמירות zemirot | hakhnasat orḥim | ארבה מנים arba minim | 42 letter divine name | Psalms 67 | 115th Congress | 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war | United States General Election 2024 | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
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Occupy the Lulav: the ritual for shaking the four species on the festival of Sukkot, by Virginia Avniel Spatz