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Shemini Atseret (and Simḥat Torah)

Shemini Atseret (and Simḥat Torah)

This is an archive of prayers, prayer-poems, and songs for the festival of Shemini Atseret and Simḥat Torah.

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תְּפִלַּת גֶּשֶׁם | Tefilat Geshem, according to the Maḥzor Aram Ṣoba (1560)

Prayer for Dwelling in the Sukkah of the Leviyatan, as taught in the name of Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg (ca. 13th c.)

Actions de graces pour la récolte et Prière pour demander un bon hiver | Thanksgiving for the Harvest and a Prayer for a Favorable Winter, a paraliturgical prayer for rain by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848)

Geschem, a prayer for rain in the onset of winter by Lise Tarlau (1907)

תפלת גשם | Tefilat Geshem (Prayer for Rain), adapted by Rabbi Emily Aviva Kapor-Mater (2013)

תפילת גשם בזכות האמהות | Prayer for Rain in the Merit of the Matriarchs by Rabbi Jill Hammer

Tefillat Geshem, a paraliturgical prayer for rain on Shemini Atseret by Rabbi Louis Polisson