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Andreas Rusterholz (transcription)

Andreas Rusterholz is a professor of Theology (New Testament and Hermeneutics) at Kwansei Gakuin University School of Humanities Department of Literature and Linguistics. He translated (together with Takako Noguchi, 1943-2017) Jüdische Religion by Günter Stemberger (Beck 1995) into Japanese: Yudayakyo - Rekishi, Shinko, Bunka [Judaism: History, Faith, Culture], Kyobunkwan 2015.

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סֵדֶר תַּשְׁלִיךְ | Seder Tashlikh, as translated by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)

Contributed by Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

“סֵדֶר תַּשְׁלִיךְ (Seder Tashlikh)” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1833 edition on pp. 145-146. In the 1835 edition it is arranged as teḥinah №84 on p. 157. . . .

תהלים מ״ז | (Psalms 47) Dieser Psalm wird siebenmal vor dem Schofer blasen wiederholt (translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro, 1829)

Contributed by Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Bnei Qoraḥ | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

“Dieser Psalm wird siebenmal vor dem Schofer blasen wiederholt (Psalm 47)” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaicher Religion as teḥinah №35 on p. 44. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №31 on pp. 47-48. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №33 on pp. 50-51. . . .

בָּרֲכִי נַפְשִׁי | Preise ihn, meine Seele! | Barkhi Nafshi, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi in abridged translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)

Contributed by Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Yehudah ben Shmuel haLevi | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

“Zweites Gebet vor Neïla” is an abridged, adapted translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro of the piyyut by Yehudah haLevi “Barkhi Nafshi et Adonai.” There are seven stanzas missing near the end including the final stanza and a portion of the penultimate stanza. The translation was published in Miro’s anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaicher Religion. It first appears in the 1835 edition, as teḥinah №48 pp. 83-85. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №50 on pp. 86-90. . . .