Gebet am Tage der Gedächtnißfeier verstorbener Eltern, an deren Grabe zu sprechen | Prayer to be said on the day of the memorial service of deceased parents at their graves, a teḥinah by Rabbi Salomon Pleßner (1835)
Contributed on: 22 Oct 2022 by
❧“Gebet am Tage der Gedächtnißfeier verstorbener Eltern, an deren Grabe zu sprechen” was included by Yehoshua Heshil Miro in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1835 edition as teḥinah №111 on pp. 214-216. In a note to this prayer, Miro records that Rabbi Salmon Plessner sent this prayer to him, and from this we infer that its authorship may also be attributed to him. . . .
Wenn man einen Leichenstein setzt, oder auch am Jahrẓeittage | When one sets a funeral stone, or also on the Yahrẓeit — a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
Contributed on: 22 Oct 2022 by
❧“Wenn man einen Leichenstein setzt, oder auch am Jahrzeittage” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1835 edition as teḥinah №130 on pp. 245-247. . . .
An der Jahrẓeit einer Mutter, wenn man fastet | On the Yahrẓeit of a mother when one is fasting, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
Contributed on: 22 Oct 2022 by
❧“An der Jahrzeit einer Mutter, wenn man fastet” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1835 edition as teḥinah №131 on pp. 247-248. . . .
Ein Kind am Grabe seiner Eltern | An orphan child at the grave of his parents, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
Contributed on: 22 Oct 2022 by
❧“Ein Kind am Grabe seiner Eltern” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition as teḥinah №79 on pp. 122-124. In the 1935 edition, it appears as teḥinah №110 on pp. 212-214. . . .
Am Todestage der Eltern (Jahrẓeit) | On the day of the death of the parents (Yahrẓeit), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
Contributed on: 22 Oct 2022 by
❧“Am Todestage der Eltern (Jahrzeit)” was translated/adapted by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. It first appears in the 1829 edition as teḥinah №78 on pp. 119-122. In the 1935 edition, it appears as teḥinah №106 on pp. 209-212. . . .