אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (Italian translation by Rabbi Dr. David Prato, 1949)
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❧This is Rabbi Dr. David Prato’s Italian translation of Adon Olam from his bilingual Hebrew-Italian everyday siddur, Tefilah l’David: Preghiere di Rito Italiano (1949), p. 272-275. . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (Portuguese translation by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto, 1939)
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❧This is Artur Carlos de Barros Bastos’s Portuguese translation of Adon Olam from his prayer-pamphlet, Oração Matinal de Shabbath (1939), p. 52-53. I have set the translation side-by-side with the Hebrew text from which it was derived. . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Αδὸν Ὀλὰμ | Adōn Olam (Greek translation by Yosef Naḥmuli, 1885)
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❧This is Yosef Naḥmuli’s Greek translation of Adon Olam from his bilingual Hebrew-Greek everyday siddur, Καθημεριναι Προσευχαι (Corfu 1885), p. 6-9. . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by Jacob Waley, before 1873)
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❧Adon Olam is a piyyut that became popular in the 15th century and is often attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) and less often to Sherira Gaon (900-1001), or his son, Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939-1038). The variation of the piyyut appearing here is the 12 line version familiar to Sepharadi congregations. (There are also fifteen and sixteen line variants found in Sepharadi siddurim. The Ashkenazi version has ten lines.) The rhyming translation here by Jacob Waley was transcribed from the prayerbook of his daughter Julia M. Cohen’s The Children’s Psalm-Book (1907), pp. 298-299. . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by David de Aaron de Sola, 1836)
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❧Adon Olam is a piyyut that became popular in the 15th century and is often attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021–1058) and less often to Sherira Gaon (900-1001), or his son, Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939-1038). The variation of the piyyut appearing here is the 12 line version familiar to Sepharadi congregations. (There are also fifteen and sixteen line variants found in Sepharadi siddurim. The Ashkenazi version has ten lines.) The rhyming translation here by David de Aaron de Sola was transcribed from his prayerbook Seder haTefilot vol. 1 (1836), p. 122. . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, translation by Isaac Pinto (1766)
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❧This is Isaac Pinto’s English translation of Adon Olam from Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah, and [Yom] Kippur (1766), p. 29. The translation there appears without the Hebrew. The Hebrew text of the piyyut set side-by-side with the translation was transcribed from Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1937). . . .
אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto (1740)
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❧Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s translation of Adon Olam was first printed on page 197 of Orden de las Oraciones de Ros-ashanah y Kipur (1740), his maḥzor in Spanish translation for Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur. The Hebrew text of the piyyut set side-by-side with the translation was transcribed from Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1937). . . .