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the Masoretic Text

The Masoretic Text is the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the Tanakh for Karaite and Rabbinic Judaism. It was primarily copied, edited and distributed by a group of Jews known as the Masoretes between the 7th and 10th centuries CE. The Masoretic Text defines the Jewish canon and its precise letter-text, with its vocalization and accentuation known as the Masorah.

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Addenda | Minḥah | Amos | Aqédat Yitsḥaq | Asarah b'Tevet | Ashrei | Sefer b'Midbar (Numbers) | Barukh Hashem l’Olam | Sefer Bereshit (Genesis) | Blessings After Eating | Tehilim Book 5 (Psalms 107–150) | Tehilim Book 4 (Psalms 90–106) | Tehilim Book 1 (Psalms 1–41) | Tehilim Book 3 (Psalms 73–89) | Tehilim Book 2 (Psalms 42–72) | Congregation & Community | Contemplation | Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) | Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles 1 & 2) | Eikhah (Lamentations) | Erev Shabbat | Esther | Rosh haShanah la-Behemah | Rosh haShanah la-Melakhim | Friday | Government & Country | Ḥabaquq | Ḥaggai | Hallel for Festivals & Rosh Ḥodesh | Ḥanukkah | Ḥanukkah Readings | Holocaust & Genocide Memorial Day Readings | Hoshea | Imminent Communal Danger & Distress | Malakhi | Melakhim (Kings) | 🇺🇸 Memorial (Decoration) Day Readings | Mikhah | Mishlei (Proverbs) | Monday | Ovadiah | Parashat Aḥarei Mōt | Parashat Balaq | Parashat b'Midbar | Parashat Bereshit | Parashat b'ha-Alotekha | Parashat b'Har | Parashat b'Ḥuqotai | Parashat Bo | Parashat b'Shalaḥ | Parashat Devarim | Parashat Emor | Parashat Éqev | Parashat Ha'Azinu | Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah | Parashat Ḥuqat | Parashat Ki Tavō | Parashat Ki Tétsei | Parashat Ki Tissa | Parashat Lekh Lekha | Parashat Mas'ei | Parashat Matōt | Parashat Metsora | Parashat Miqéts | Parashat Mishpatim | Parashat Naso | Parashat Nitsavim | Parashat Noaḥ | Parashat Ph'qudei | Parashat Pinḥas | Parashat Qedoshim | Parashat Qoraḥ | Parashat R'éh | Parashat Sh'mini | Parashat Shemot | Parashat Shlaḥ | Parashat Shōftim | Parashat Tazria | Parashat Terumah | Parashat Toldōt | Parashat Tsav | Parashat T'tsavveh | Parashat Va'era | Parashat va'Etḥanan | Parashat Vayaqhel | Parashat Vayeḥi | Parashat Vayélekh | Parashat Vayera | Parashat Vayeshev | Parashat Vayetsei | Parashat Vayigash | Parashat Vayiqra | Parashat Vayishlaḥ | Parashat v'Zōt haBrakhah | Parashat Yitro | 7th Day of Pesaḥ | Pesaḥ Readings | Phonaesthetics | Psalm of the Day | Psalms 146 | Psalms 147 | Psalms 148 | Psalms 149 | Psalms 150 | Psuqei d'Zimrah/Zemirot l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov | Purim | Purim Readings | Ḳabbalat Shabbat | Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) | Repenting, Resetting, and Reconciliation | Rosh haShanah la-Behemah Readings | Rosh haShanah Readings | Rosh Ḥodesh | Rosh Ḥodesh Readings | Rūt (Ruth) | Saturday | Se'udah haShlishit | Se'udat Leil Shabbat | Se'udat Yom Shabbat | Shabbat Kallah Readings | Shabbat Readings | Shavuot Readings | the Shema | Shemini Atseret & Simḥat Torah Readings | Sefer Shemot (Exodus) | Shir haShirim (the Song of Songs, Canticles) | Shirat ha-Yam | Shiv'ah Asar b'Tamuz | Shmuel (Samuel) | Shoftim (Judges) | Special Haftarot | Sukkot Readings | Sunday | Ta'anit Esther | 🤦︎ Taḥanun (Nefilat Apayim) | Tehilim (Psalms) | Thursday | Tishah b'Av | Tishah b'Av Readings | Travel | Tsom Gedalyah | Tu biShvat Readings | Tuesday | Sefer Vayiqra (Leviticus) | Vayivarekh David | 🇺🇸 Veterans Day Readings | Wednesday | the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (21 December) | Yeḥezqel (Ezekiel) | Yehi Kh’vod | Yehoshua (Joshua) | Yeshayah (Isaiah) | Yirmiyah (Jeremiah) | Yoel | 🇮🇱 Yom haZikaron Readings | Yom Kippur Readings | Yom Simḥat Kohen | Yonah | Zekharyah

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זאת חנוכה Zot Ḥanukkah | 5th century B.C.E. | acrostic | Acrostic signature | phonetic alphabetic acrostic translation | אחרי מות Aḥarei Mōt | Aharon | על הגתית Al HaGitit | Al haShminit | על נהרות בבל Al naharot Bavel | alienation | Alphabetic Acrostic | amen | American Jewry of the United States | animal protection | animal welfare | animals | annual Torah reading cycle | anti-predatory | apotropaic prayers of protection | Arabic translation | Aramaic | עשרת הדיברות aseret hadibrot | אשרי Ashrei | atonement | authority vs. integrity | Avraham Avinu | אז ישיר Az Yashir | Azael | Azazel | bal tashḥit | בלק Balaq | במדבר Bamidbar | Barkhi Nafshi | בהמות behemot | Bene Israel | Betsalel | בחקתי b’Ḥuqotai | bigotry | Binginot | ברכת המזון birkat hamazon | birkhot hashaḥar | blessings | breaking down | Calends | camels | Cantillated readings in English | census | centos | Children of Avraham | Chinese translation | choose life | Chronicles | civil declarations and charters | Colleyville synagogue hostage crisis | command-compliance pattern | Concordant translation | conflicting messages | corporal punishment | covenant code | curses | Daily Hallel | the daughters of Tselofḥad | Dawn | Decalogue | Decoration Day | deliverance from danger | desperate pleas | דברים Devarim | devotional interpretation | divine abundance | Divrei Hayamim | domesticated animals | dreaming | ecoḥasid | egalitarian | egel hazahav | אלול elul | אמֹר Emor | English Translation | עקב Éqev | ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael | eros | אשת חיל eshet ḥayil | Exilic Period | fake news | fast-forward | fasting | Feminism | First Temple Period | Five Megillot | four special parashot | Friday | Full Hallel | gender expression | gender roles | German Jewry | German translation | giving voice to the voiceless | glitchposting | golden calf | Gratitude | Greek speaking Jewry | Greek translation | הפטרות haftarot | halakhot | הלל hallel | Hallelu | הללו־יה hallelu-yah | הקפות haḳafot | Har Sinai | חסידים ḥassidim | hazon et hakol | חשבון הנפש Ḥeshbon HaNefesh | hidden | חקת Ḥuqat | hymns of creation | in the merit of our ancestors | עינוי Innui (self-affliction) | interpretive translation | investiture | Isaiah | אשי ישראל ishei yisrael | Izmir | Jeremiah | ירושלם Jerusalem | Jewish Renewal | Jewish Science movement | Jews of India | Judeo-Arabic | Judeo-Greek | judgement | judges | Justice | קבלת שבת kabbalat shabbat | Kalendes | קלנדס Ḳalends | כשרות kashrut | כבוד kavod | Ketuvim | kings | Kohanim | Ladino Translation | lamentation | למנציח Lamnatse'aḥ | lashon hara | leket psukim | let's review | liberation from mitsrayim | Liturgical customs of Kabbalists | livnei Qoraḥ | loneliness | love | Marathi translation | מסעי Masei | Maskil | Masorti | מטות Matot | Maw of the Earth | Megillah Readings in English | מגילת אסתר Megillat Esther | men | מצרע Metsora | Midbar Paran | midbar quest | Midbar Sinai | Midbar Tsyn | middot | Midian | Mikhtam | military | Miriam's well | missing years | מזמור Mizmor | Modi'in | Molekh | Monday | moral prescription | mortality | מוצאי שבת Motsei Shabbat | Mourning this Broken World | moving out | music making | מוסר mussar | mysterious fish | mythopoesis | Naming names | נזיר Nazir | neḥilot | נביאות nevi'ut | נח Noaḥ | North America | Nusaḥ Ashkenaz | Nusaḥ Ha-Ari z"l | Nusaḥ Sefaradi | Oholiav | Ottoman Empire | Ottoman Jewry | paraliturgical psalms 100 | פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua | פרשות parashot | Partial Hallel | personal salvation | פסוקי דזמרה pesuqei dezimrah | Openers | פינחס Pinḥas | פיוטים piyyutim | pleas for help | Poteaḥ et Yodekha | Prayers as poems | prayers for intervention | prayers for rescue | pre-Pesaḥ | pre-Purim | predation | predatory gaze | predatory nature | protection | Psalm of the Day | תהלים Psalms | Psalms 1 | Psalms 100 | Psalms 104 | Psalms 107 | Psalms 111 | Psalms 112 | Psalms 113 | Psalms 114 | Psalms 115 | Psalms 116 | Psalms 117 | Psalms 118 | Psalms 121 | Psalms 126 | Psalms 133 | Psalms 135 | Psalms 136 | Psalms 139 | Psalms 140 | Psalms 141 | Psalms 142 | Psalms 143 | Psalms 144 | Psalms 145 | Psalms 146 | Psalms 147 | Psalms 148 | Psalms 149 | Psalms 15 | Psalms 150 | Psalms 18 | psalms 19 | Psalms 2 | Psalms 20 | Psalms 22 | Psalms 23 | Psalms 24 | Psalms 25 | Psalms 26 | Psalms 27 | Psalms 28 | Psalms 29 | Psalms 3 | Psalms 30 | Psalms 4 | Psalms 48 | Psalms 6 | Psalms 60 | Psalms 67 | Psalms 79 | Psalms 8 | Psalms 81 | Psalms 82 | Psalms 84 | Psalms 85 | psalms 89 | Psalms 90 | Psalms 91 | Psalms 92 | Psalms 93 | Psalms 94 | Psalms 95 | Psalms 96 | Psalms 97 | Psalms 98 | Psalms 99 | Psalms for Fast Days | Psukei Dezimra | Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim (Colleyville Texas) | קדשים Qedoshim | קרח Qoraḥ | קריעת ים סוף qriyat yam suf | rebuke | reconnaissance | redaction criticism | remixed biblical verse | resurrection | rhyming translation | ritual purity | role models | rosh ḥodesh | rosh hashanah l'behemah | Ruth | safe passage | Samuel | satisfying the desire of all life | Saturday | self-sacrifice | sexual predation | שבת shabbat | שבת הגדול Shabbat haGadol | שבת החודש Shabbat haḤodesh | שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon | שבת נחמו Shabbat Naḥamu | שבת פרה Shabbat Parah | פרשת בהר parashat Behar | פרשת בראשית parashat Bereshit | פרשת בהעלתך b'Ha'alotekha | פרשת בא Parashat Bo | פרשת בשלח parashat B'shalaḥ | פרשת האזינו parashat Haazinu | פרשת חיי שרה parashat Ḥayyei Sarah | פרשת כי־תבוא parashat Ki Tavo | פרשת כי־תצא parashat Ki Tetsei | פרשת כי תשא parashat Ki Tisa | פרשת לך לך parashat Lekh Lekha | פרשת מקץ parashat Miqets | פרשת משפטים parashat Mishpatim | פרשת נשא parashat Naso | פרשת נצבים parashat Nitsavim | פרשת פיקודי parashat Piqudei | פרשת ראה parashat R'éh | פרשת שמות parashat Shemot | פרשת שלח parashat Shlaḥ | פרשת שפטים parashat Shoftim | פרשת תזריע parashat Tazria | פרשת תרומה parashat Terumah | פרשת תולדת parashat Toldot | פרשת צו parashat Tsav | פרשת וארא parashat Va'era | פרשת ויקהל parashat Vayaqhel | פרשת ויחי parashat Vayeḥi | פרשת וירא parashat Vayera | פרשת וישב parashat Vayeshev | פרשת ויצא parashat Vayetsei | פרשת ויגש parashat Vayigash | פרשת וזאת הברכה parashat vZot haBrakhah | פרשת יתרו Parashat Yitro | שבת שקלים Shabbat Sh'qalim | שבת תשובה Shabbat Teshuvah | שבת זכור Shabbat Zakhor | שפע shefa | שמע shemaŋ | שמיני Sh'mini | שבע ברכות sheva brakhot | שגיון shigayon | שיר Shir | שיר המעלות Shir haMa'alot | שיר של יום Shir Shel Yom | שירת הים Shirat haYam | שויתי shiviti | shlepping | שמיטה shmitah | Shmuel | Siege of Jerusalem (597 BCE) | slavery | social anxiety | solstice | Song of the Sea | Sukkot Shabbat Hol haMoed | Sunday | supplementary hypothesis | symplegades | תרגום targum | תפילה tefilah | תהלה tehillah | thankfulness | thanksgiving | the Camp | the Holocaust | the Holy Mountain | the menorah | המשכן the Mishkan | המזבח the Mizbe'aḥ | the Plains of Moav | השואה the Shoah | the Throne | theophany | thirty-eight years later | Thursday | tithing | תוכחות tokheḥot | transtropilation | Trees | tribes | צער באלי חיים tsa'ar baalei ḥayyim | tsaraat | צדק צדק תרדוף tsedeq tsedeq tirdof | Tuesday | ultraviolence | United States | Uva Letsiyon | ואתחנן va'Etḥanan | וילך Vayelekh | ויקרא Vayiqra | וישלח Vayishlaḥ | ויברך דויד Vayivarekh David | vengeance | virtuous attributes | wedding | Wednesday | winter | xenophobia | ימי השובבים Yemei haShovavim | Yeshayahu | יציב פתגם Yetsiv Pitgam | Yevanic | Yirmiyahu | ישראל Yisrael | יצחק Yitsḥaq | Yom Kippur | Yom Vayosha | Yosef cycle | יובל Yovel Jubilee | זמירות zemirot | זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah | 8th century B.C.E. | 7th century B.C.E. | 6th century B.C.E. | 4th century B.C.E. | 2nd century B.C.E. | 12th century C.E. | 14th century C.E. | 16th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 31st century A.M. | 32nd century A.M. | 33rd century A.M. | 34th century A.M. | 35th century A.M. | 37th century A.M. | 50th century A.M. | 52nd century A.M. | 54th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.

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📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּחֻקֹּתַי | Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 10 May 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat b’Ḥuqotai, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 08 May 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat b’Ḥuqotai in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּמִדְבַּר | Parashat b’Midbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 01 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat b’Midbar, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 28 May 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Bamidbar in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת נָשֹׂא | Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 01 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Masoretic layer 'B' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Naso, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 28 May 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Naso in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ | Parashat b’ha-Alotekha (Numbers 8:1-12:16), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 22 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Masoretic layer 'B' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat b’Ha’alotekha, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Beha’alotekha (Numbers 8:1-12:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 09 Jun 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat b’Ha’alotekha in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת שְׁלַח | Parashat Shlaḥ (Numbers 13:1-15:41), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 22 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Shlaḥ, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Shlaḥ (Numbers 13:1-15:41): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Shlaḥ in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת קֹרַח | Parashat Qoraḥ (Numbers 16:1-18:32), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 26 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Qoraḥ, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Qoraḥ (Numbers 16:1-18:32): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 25 Jun 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Qoraḥ in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת חֻקַּת | Parashat Ḥuqat (Numbers 19:1-22:1), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 27 Jun 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic kernel 'E' | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Masoretic layer 'B' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Ḥuqat, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ḥuqat (Numbers 19:1-22:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 27 Jun 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Ḥuqat in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת בָּלָק | Parashat Balaq (Numbers 22:2-25:9), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 09 Jul 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic kernel 'E' | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'B' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Balaq, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Balaq (Numbers 22:2-25:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 06 Jul 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Balaq in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת פִּינְחָס‏ | Parashat Pinḥas (Numbers 25:10-30:1), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 20 Jul 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Pinḥas, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Pinḥas (Numbers 25:10-30:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 14 Jul 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Pinḥas in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת מַטּוֹת | Parashat Matōt (Numbers 30:2-32:42), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 23 Jul 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Matot, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Matōt (Numbers 30:2-32:42): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 21 Jul 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Matot in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת מַסְעֵי | Parashat Mas’ei (Numbers 33:1-36:13), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 23 Jul 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'P' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Masei, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Mas’ei (Numbers 33:1-36:13): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 26 Jul 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Mas’ei in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת דְבָרִים | Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 04 Aug 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Masoretic layer 'B' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Devarim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 04 Aug 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Devarim in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן | Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 13 Aug 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat va’Etḥanan, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 13 Aug 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat va’Etḥanan in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת עֵקֶב | Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 17 Aug 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Éqev, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 19 Aug 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Éqev in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת רְאֵה | Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 24 Aug 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' |

The text of parashat R’éh, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 26 Aug 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat R’éh in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת שֹׁפְטִים | Parashat Shōftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 02 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' |

The text of parashat shoftim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 02 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Shoftim in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת כִּי־תֵצֵא | Parashat Ki Tetsei (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 07 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' |

The text of parashat Ki Tetsei, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ki Tetsei (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 07 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Ki Tetsei in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת כִּי־תָבוֹא | Parashat Ki Tavō (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 08 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' |

The text of parashat Ki Tavo, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 16 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Ki Tavo in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת נִצָּבִים | Parashat Nitsavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 09 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'Dp' |

The text of parashat Nitsavim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Nitsavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 20 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Nitsavim in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּלֶךְ | Parashat Vayelekh (Deuteronomy 31:1-30), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 10 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' |

The text of parashat Vayelekh, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayelekh (Deuteronomy 31:1-30): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 20 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Vayelekh in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת הַאֲזִינוּ | Parashat Ha’Azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 10 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat Haazinu, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ha’Azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 28 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat Haazinu in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

📜 פָּרָשַׁת וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה | Parashat v’Zōt haBrakhah (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12), color-coded according to its narrative layers

Contributed on: 10 Sep 2019 by Tzemaḥ Yoreh | the Masoretic Text | Masoretic layer 'D1' | Masoretic layer 'D2' | Masoretic layer 'J' | Masoretic layer 'H' | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The text of parashat v’Zot haBrakhah, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .

📜 Torah Reading for Parashat v’Zōt haBrakhah (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 28 Sep 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

A Torah reading of Parashat v’Zot haBrakhah in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah (1 Kings 1:1-31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 13 Nov 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah, in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Zot haBrakhah and Simḥat Torah (Joshua 1:1-18): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 18 Oct 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for Parashat Zot haBrakhah and Simḥat Torah in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Shlaḥ (Joshua 2:1-24): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for Parashat Shlaḥ in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Day of Pesaḥ (Joshua 3:5-7, 5:1-15, 6:1, and 6:27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 09 Apr 2020 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for the first day of Pesaḥ, in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Shalaḥ (Judges 4:4-5:31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 16 Dec 2019 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for Parashat b’Shalaḥ, in English translation, transtropilized. . . .

💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ḥuqat (Judges 11:1-33): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman

Contributed on: 28 Jun 2020 by the Masoretic Text | Len Fellman (translation) |

The haftarah reading for Parashat Ḥuqat, in English translation, transtropilized. . . .