📖 Side Arms: Readings, Prayers and Meditations for Soldiers and Sailors, by Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron (1918)
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❧An ecumenical prayerbook for men serving as United States military personnel during what later became known as World War Ⅰ. . . .
📖 Prayers for Trench and Base, by Lt. Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1918)
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❧A small prayerbook for British-Jewish men serving as military personnel on behalf of the British Empire during what later became known as World War Ⅰ. . . .
📖 Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen, by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald (1914)
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❧A collection of five teḥinot compiled for the use of German-Jewish women gravely concerned for the well-being of their husbands, fathers, and sons serving as military personnel during what became known as World War Ⅰ. . . .
📖 Feldgebetbuch für die jüdischen Mannschaften des Heeres, by Rabbi Dr. Wilhelm Münz (1914)
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❧A small prayerbook for German-Jewish men serving as military personnel on behalf of the German Empire (Second Reich) during what later became known as World War Ⅰ. . . .